Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services


ia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua is a church located in Managua, Nicaragua. Founded in 1984, the church is dedicated to helping spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and meeting the spiritual needs of the people of Nicaragua. Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua is one of the largest churches in Nicaragua and has become a focal point for spirituality and growth in the faith of many Nicaraguans. The History of Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua: Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua was founded in 1984 as a Pentecostal church by Pastor Zamora and his wife, Leyla. They were inspired to start the church after visiting a Bible school in Texas. Since then, Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua has grown to become one of the largest churches in Nicaragua. Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Nicaragua.


Here are some facts about the Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Nicaragua
Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua is a nondenominational church that includes members from all Christian denominations. The church has up to 1,500 members and services are held in both Spanish and English. The church is the only church in the area with a Christian school and has been instrumental in helping thousands of Nicaraguans learn more about Jesus and the power of his teachings. Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua

Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua offers a variety of services to its members. Sunday services are held every weekend and include sermons, fellowship, and prayer. The church also organizes Bible studies and supports various outreach ministries in the local community. Additionally, Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua offers a variety of spiritual counseling services to help individuals grow in their faith.This beautiful church in Nicaragua has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Nicaragua most popular tourist destination with us. Iglesia Bíblica Petra Managua In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Nicaragua main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Managua Nicaragua

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