El Dios de los hechos incorporados In Nicaragua: History,Facts, & Services

El Dios de los hechos incorporados In Nicaragua is a military and medical cooperative organization consisting of several organizations from Central America, including the United States, Mexico and El Salvador. The organization was formed in 1994 in the wake of the end of the Contras Wars in Nicaragua, with the purpose of engaging in a variety of civil and humanitarian projects, such as medical and educational assistance for those affected by the wars. This organization has provided services for several organizations such as the Red Cross, World Vision and several non-governmental organizations, among them Abrazo and Ventana Ministry. Additionally, El Dios de los hechos incorporados In Nicaragua has provided material and engineering assistance to help repair infrastructure destroyed by the Contras and Sandinista forces. It has also promoted educational programs, such as the “Quadra Escuela” program, to help rebuild Nicaragua's educational system.

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