Communauté Évangélique Indépendante de Madagascar In Madagascar: History,Facts, & Services

, Communauté Évangélique Indépendante de Madagascar (CEIM) is a Pentecostal Christian evangelical church in Madagascar. CEIM is a religious movement which was founded in 1972 by Pastor Ano Andriarimalala, the current leader of CEIM. The movement is committed to promote the religious and moral life of Malagasy people through its various ministries and projects which include evangelism, humanitarian aid, rehabilitation, development, religious and cultural education, media services and humanitarian work. The organization has a wide network in Madagascar’s 21 provinces and is focused on the equipping of its members and improving their spiritual lives. CEIM seeks to make strong connections between God, his Word and their daily lives. It provides its members with pastoral activities, seminars, music, culture and education. CEIM also runs its own media center in order to spread the gospel message and keep its members updated on religious matters. Some of its activities include Bible-Studies, prayer sessions, preaching and teaching, special services, conferences and retreats. CEIM also runs radio and television programs, print media, and other multimedia resources to deliver religious knowledge and teachings to its members and the public.

Explore Madagascar most popular tourist destination with us. Communauté Évangélique Indépendante de Madagascar In Madagascar: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Madagascar main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    , the Communauté Évangélique Indépendante de Madagascar is mainly found in Antsiranana Province.

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, the Communauté Évangélique Indépendante de Madagascar is mainly found in Antsiranana Province. Madagascar

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