Lančiūnavos St. Casimir In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services
Lančiūnavos St. Casimir In Lithuania is a Roman Catholic chapel located in an old wooden church within Lančiūnavos village, Trakai district, Lithuania. It is a wooden building from the 17th century and is considered a valuable cultural heritage. The building is used for religious services and community events. It is one of the most famous and historically significant Christian landmarks of the district. There is an old legend associated with the chapel, which tells of a miracle where Saint Casimir appeared and saved the village from certain destruction.
The chapel was first mentioned in 1613. It saw numerous renovations and repairs in its history. Its building was owned by the Lančiūnai Monastery and was administered by the monks until it was taken away in 1869 by the zemstvo of Trakai District. Initially it had only one nave. Its altar, which has a representation of St. Casimir and St. John of Nepomuk, dates from 1780. In 1929, a vestry was built and the interior of the chapel was refurbished in 1976 following the ideas of priest Antanas Šileikis. Currently the chapel is administered by the Roman Catholic Church of Lithuania.
Services at Lančiūnavos St. Casimir’s chapel are conducted monthly and on festive occasions. Visiting the chapel is a popular activity among local Lithuanians, organized as part of religious pilgrimages or for remembrance of friends and family.
Explore Lithuania most popular tourist destination with us. Lančiūnavos St. Casimir In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lithuania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.
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