Gailiūnai St. Our Lady of the Assumption Orthodox church of Old Believers In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services
Gailiūnai St. Our Lady of the Assumption Orthodox church of Old Believers In Lithuania is a historic Pskov-Lithuanian Orthodox church located in the village of Gailiūnai in the Panevėžys district of Lithuania. The church was built in 1790 by the Old Believers who had settled in the area in the 18th century. The original wooden building was destroyed during World War II and its replacement in the late 1950s was made of concrete blocks. The church still stands today, serving as the center of the Lithuanian Old Believers' faith. The church is built in the old-style Zion or domed Greek cross plan and its interior is decorated with traditional hand-painted murals. The central figure of the church is the Mother of God, with icons of saints and apostles adorning the walls and cupola. The church also has an impressive bell tower, which contains nine bells that toll to announce the liturgical hours. Services at the church are held in the traditional style and the singing of the all-night service is one of its highlights.
Explore Lithuania most popular tourist destination with us. Gailiūnai St. Our Lady of the Assumption Orthodox church of Old Believers In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lithuania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.
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