Neuapostolische Kirche Schweiz In Liechtenstein: History,Facts, & Services


The Neuapostolische Kirche Schweiz In Liechtenstein (New Apostolic Church Switzerland in Liechtenstein) is the branch of the New Apostolic Church (NAC) which was established in Liechtenstein. The NAC is an international Christian church founded in 1863 and is headquartered in Switzerland. In Liechtenstein, the NAC is a small church community that is very active in its members' lives. The NAC in Liechtenstein is made up of local assemblies located throughout the country. There is no one central NAC headquarters located in the country, but rather members assemble in their own local churches. They come together in regular services and other activities in order to deepen their relationship with God and their fellow Christian brothers and sisters, as well as to bring the good news of salvation to the people of Liechtenstein. It is one of the best churches in Liechtenstein which you must visit.


1. The Neuapostolische Kirche (NAC) is a Christian denomination which split off from the Catholic Apostolic Church in 1863 in Switzerland. 2. The church is present in Liechtenstein with one congregation in the capital Vaduz. 3. The main building of the NAC is located at Allmendstrasse 7 in Vaduz. 4. The first NAC congregation in Liechtenstein was established in 1954. 5. Services are held twice a month and there is an additional Lord's Supper service on the first Sunday of every month. 6. Around 500 people belong to the church in Liechtenstein. 7. The NAC is a member of the Evangelical Alliance of Liechtenstein. Here are some facts about the Liechtenstein Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Liechtenstein


The Neuapostolische Kirche Schweiz in Liechtenstein serves its Parishioners in many ways. They offer spiritual guidance, assistance with everyday life and support for those in need. They also offer catechism and Bible study courses, confirmation and marriage preparation classes, and family counseling. Additionally, they host several social, recreational and educational events such as choirs, youth activities, and conferences. The church is also involved in a variety of charity activities, community service projects, and initiatives which aim to promote understanding, acceptance and tolerance. Finally, they provide a safe and supportive environment for worship. This beautiful church in Liechtenstein has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Liechtenstein most popular tourist destination with us. Neuapostolische Kirche Schweiz In Liechtenstein: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Liechtenstein main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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