Leqele SDA Church In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services
Leqele SDA Church In Lesotho is located in the Southern African Kingdom of Lesotho. The church is a part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church family and is involved in many projects. The church was established in 1956 and is known as the ‘Mother church’ of Lesotho. Its members worship and fellowship in English, Sesotho, and Tsotsitaal with the motto ‘God’s love never fails'. The church is actively engaged in pastoral and evangelistic work, education and training, community development, and health service. In addition, Leqele SDA Church organizes and hosts conferences, workshops, and church camps. The church is also involved in youth and young adult programs, outreach and health ministries, and other outreach initiatives. As part of their commitment to the community, the church has established a home for the aged, a school, and a community project.
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Maseru Lesotho