A4J Lesotho In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services

A4J Lesotho is a local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) established in 2011 and based in Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho. Through its interventions in the fields of health, education, protection and justice, A4J ensures sustainable and positive transformation of the lives of the most marginalized and excluded individuals and communities, particularly those living in deep rural areas across Lesotho. Its mission is to create an enabling environment that empowers marginalized and excluded individuals and communities of Lesotho to access and promote their rights with equal opportunity to better their lives. To achieve that, A4J Lesotho implements community-based and youth-focused interventions and works with strategic partners to ensure that citizens’ rights and needs are met with better access to quality health, education, protection and justice services in Lesotho.

Explore Lesotho most popular tourist destination with us. A4J Lesotho In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lesotho main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    , AJ4 would stand for the African Institute for Justice and Human Rights, a human rights non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Maseru.

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, AJ4 would stand for the African Institute for Justice and Human Rights, a human rights non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Maseru. Lesotho

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