Iglesia Luterana del Paraguay In Kosovo: History,Facts, & Services


is the history of the Lutheran Church in Kosovo. It was founded in 1965 as the first Protestant denomination in the region, with its headquarters at Mitrovica. During the years of the conflict between the Albanian majority and Serbian minority in Kosovo, the Lutheran Church stood with the persecuted and vulnerable, regardless of ethnicity or faith. Since the war ended, the Lutheran Church in Kosovo has become a place of unity, a beacon of peace and reconciliation, providing social, humanitarian and religious services to communities in need. It is one of the best churches in Kosovo which you must visit.


1. Iglesia Luterana del Paraguay is a Lutheran denomination in Kosovo. 2. It was founded in 1998, and is part of the Lutheran Church of Norway. 3. The denomination is comprised of a few parishes and missions located across Kosovo. 4. Services are held in both a Latin and Slovak liturgical form. 5. Unni Brekke is the presiding bishop of Iglesia Luterana del Paraguay in Kosovo. 6. The church is actively involved in local outreach and ecumenical activities throughout Kosovo. 7. The denomination is currently in the process of constructing its first mission in Gjilan. Here are some facts about the Kosovo Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Kosovo


Iglesia Luterana del Paraguay does not have any established services in Kosovo. The Lutheran Church of Paraguay is a confessional Lutheran denomination serving Paraguay and neighbouring countries. This beautiful church in Kosovo has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Kosovo most popular tourist destination with us. Iglesia Luterana del Paraguay In Kosovo: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Kosovo main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Kosovo Kosovo

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