Iglesia Evangelica Asamblea de Dios en el Paraguay Km 23 In Paraguay: History,Facts, & Services


is a church located in the town of Km 23, Paraguay. The church is affiliated with the Assemblies of God (AOG) movement, which is the largest Protestant Pentecostal movement in the country. The church was founded in 1995 and its services and ministries reflect the AOG emphasis on evangelization and worship. The church is mainly active in the areas of worship, Bible teaching, counseling, youth ministries and social outreach. It is one of the best churches in Paraguay which you must visit.


1. The Iglesia Evangelica Asamblea de Dios (IEADP) is a Pentecostal Denomination in Paraguay. 2. The Church is based at Km 23 on the highway from Asuncion to Encarnacion. 3. IEADP has a presence in more than 22 cities throughout Paraguay. 4. Over 8,000 people from more than 200 churches are members of the denominational family. 5. One of the main programs of the organization is its Social Mission, with activities such as healthcare, education, and other aid services. 6. The Church is presided by Rev. Sabino Alfonso Garay and is headed by a 24 member Board of Directors. 7. The Church constantly shares the message of salvation and works hand in hand with the local church communities. 8. IEADP is committed to using modern technology in order to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. 9. The Church is active in the international missions support, sending more than 20 teams to accomplish its mission around the world. 10. IEADP holds an annual conference with more than 5,000 attendees from 34 different countries. Here are some facts about the Paraguay Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Paraguay


La Iglesia Evangelica Asamblea de Dios en el Paraguay Km 23 ofrece varios servicios a sus miembros y a la comunidad local en general. Estos servicios incluyen: 1. Cultos de adoración y alabanza: La Iglesia ofrece regularmente servicios de adoración los domingos a las 6:00 PM. Estos servicios incluyen canciones de adoración, estudio de la Biblia y oración. 2. Estudios Bíblicos: La Iglesia ofrece clases sobre distintos temas de la Biblia durante la semana. Estas clases se imparten en diferentes horarios para ayudar a las personas de todas las edades a conocer más acerca de Dios y su palabra. 3. Servicios para niños: La Iglesia ofrece programas especiales para los niños. Estos programas incluyen estudio de la Biblia, clases de canto y música, oración, manualidades y mucho más. 4. Oración: La Iglesia ofrece oraciones hechas a la medida de sus necesidades. Ofrecen guía y apoyo a través de la Palabra de Dios para todos aquellos que lo necesiten. 5. Servicios para la comunidad: La Iglesia ayuda a las personas necesitadas en la comunidad local. Esto incluye comidas, ropa y alojamiento temporal. La Iglesia también apoya a otras organizaciones locales sin fines de lucro y trabaja con ellas para lograr soluciones. This beautiful church in Paraguay has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Paraguay most popular tourist destination with us. Iglesia Evangelica Asamblea de Dios en el Paraguay Km 23 In Paraguay: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Paraguay main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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