Iglecia paraguay para cristo In Paraguay: History,Facts, & Services


: Iglesia Paraguaya para Cristo (Paraguayan Church for Christ) is a Christian denomination created in 1968 due to the spiritual needs of the working-class population in the country. It was established by Pastor Anibal Martínez and was officially registered as a church in 1998. The church preaches a charismatic form of Protestantism and strives to reach the spiritual needs of the people of Paraguay with social action, carrying out multiple ministry projects in the country. Iglesia Paraguaya para Cristo is active today and has a nationwide presence. It is one of the best churches in Paraguay which you must visit.


1. Iglesia Paraguay Para Cristo (IPP) is a Pentecostal, Charismatic Christian denomination with its headquarters located in Asuncion, Paraguay. 2. IPP was founded in April 1911 by Rómulo Peralta and a small group of pastors and laypeople who had been influenced by another Pentecostal movement, El Movimiento de Foursquare. 3. It is the largest Evangelical denomination in Paraguay, and one of the largest in South America. 4. The IPP operates through four districts throughout Paraguay - Asuncion, Encarnación, Concepción, San Pedro – and each district is divided into several congregations. 5. IPP has a strong emphasis on missions, having engaged in missions to Mozambique, Angola, and other countries in Africa. 6. IPP has a focus on an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as serving the poor and marginalized in the Paraguayan society. 7. It has over 1.4 million members throughout the country, with an estimated 200,000 attending its Sunday services. 8. IPP also has a strong commitment to international missions, sending hundreds of Paraguayan missionaries around the world annually. Here are some facts about the Paraguay Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Paraguay


1. Pastoral: La Iglesia Paraguay Para Cristo ofrece una diversidad de programas a sus miembros como la evaluación pastoral, la enseñanza bíblica, el evangelismo, la orientación al bautismo, la Pastoral Juvenil y la niñez, la instrucción de seguidores de Cristo, la predicación de la Palabra de Dios, la adoración y la exposición, la restauración, el ministerio de expiación, la educación cristiana y la alabanza. 2. Asistencia Social: Ofrece programas de asistencia social para familias necesitadas, albergues, comedores, proyectos de vivienda, campañas de salud pública y clubs de jóvenes. 3. Capacitación: Ofrece seminarios y talleres para la capacitación y educación cristiana, así como diferentes programas para fomentar el crecimiento espiritual, intelectual y moral. 4. Cooperación Internacional: Iglesia Paraguay Para Cristo tiene programas de cooperación internacional para compartir con otras iglesias en el Caribe, en América Latina y en el mundo, a través de campañas y proyectos conjuntos. 5. Misiones: Iglesia Paraguay Para Cristo trabaja con iglesias en otros países, para llevar el evangelio a nuevos territorios, y ayuda a apoyar proyectos misioneros a nivel internacional. This beautiful church in Paraguay has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Paraguay most popular tourist destination with us. Iglecia paraguay para cristo In Paraguay: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Paraguay main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    , Iglesia Paraguaya para Cristo is found in the city of Asunción.

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, Iglesia Paraguaya para Cristo is found in the city of Asunción. Paraguay

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