Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha - Georgetown In Guyana: Histroy,Facts,Worship Method,Opening Timmimg & How to reach


is the history and culture of Hinduism among Indian Hindu immigrants to Guyana. The organization was founded in 1984 by Vidyatmand Ramnarace, for the purpose of promoting the faith, customs, traditions and culture of the Hindu immigrants. The Sabha is located in Georgetown, the capital of Guyana, and serves as a central hub for all Hindu cultural and religious activities. The Sabha organizes religious ceremonies, provides spiritual counseling and engages in interfaith dialogue, while showcasing the cultural richness of Indian culture in Guyana. Additionally, it conducts religious lectures, organizes festivals, and encourages the usage of the ancient language of Sanskrit. This organization also promotes the education of Hinduism in primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, and offers scholarship programs for the students. It is one of the best temple in Guyana which you must visit.


1. The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS) is an umbrella organization that consists of many Hindu temples and organizations throughout the country. 2. GHDS promotes the integration of Hindu culture, its religious beliefs and practices in Guyana. 3. GHDS was established in 1937 in Georgetown, Guyana. 4. GHDS provides leadership and guidance to temples and organizations in the promotion of Hindu culture and Dharma. 5. GHDS organizes and participates in many religious and cultural activities throughout the year, including the annual Phagwah/Holi Festival and Annual Hindu Maha Sabha. 6. GHDS also works to provide humanitarian assistance to the poor and needy in Guyana. 7. GHDS serves as a platform for the promotion of Hindu culture, its religious values and beliefs. 8. GHDS works to promote interfaith understanding, tolerance and peaceful co-existence in Guyana. Here are some facts about the Guyana temple.These facts will help you understand why it is oldest temple list of the best temples in Guyana

Worship Method:

Hindu Dharmic Sabha, Georgetown, worship is done in accordance with Vaishnav theology. The method of worship includes chanting of Mantras and the offering of Vegetarian Prasad (food offerings). Prayers are also offered to deities such as Radha and Krishna. The temple also incorporates the practice of following a daily ritual of Puja, where devotees offer prayers and perform rituals to invoke Deity’s blessing and ask for their mercy. During the puja, the priest leads the devotees through the rituals and invocations. Devotees offer bhoga (food offerings) to the deity. As part of the regular puja practice, elaborate arathi (lighting of the lamp) and abhishekam (bathing the deities in sacred water) are performed. Devotees then seek the blessings of GOD. This most visited temple in Guyana

Opening Timing:

, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha - Georgetown is located at 15 North Road, Bourda, Georgetown, and it is open from Monday to Saturday, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. top temples in Guyana

How to reach:

The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha - Georgetown is located at 132 Quamina Street, Stabroek, Georgetown, Guyana. It is about 8 km away from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. The most convenient way to reach the Sabha is by taxi. You can also take a bus to reach the Sabha. The closest bus stop is located a few minutes away from the Sabha. famous temples in Guyana

Explore Guyana most popular tourist destination with us. Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha - Georgetown In Guyana: Histroy,Facts,Worship Method,Opening Timmimg & How to reach,which is 0 km away from Guyana main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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  2. state:

    , the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha is based in Georgetown.

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, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha is based in Georgetown. Guyana

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