Chiesa di San Giorgio e dei Martiri Inglesi In Rome: History,Facts, & Services

Chiesa di San Giorgio e dei Martiri Inglesi is a Catholic church located in Rome, Italy. The church is dedicated to Saint George, the patron saint of England, and also to the English martyrs who have been killed for their faith. The church was built in 1617 by the English College, a organization founded by Saint Philip Neri in 1579. This was in response to requests from English Catholics who were desperate for a place to celebrate Mass and observe at least some of the customs of their homeland. The church features three naves with four galleries and a transept surmounted by a dome. The facade is decorated with sculptures of Saints George and Stephen, the two glorious English Martyrs, and a coat of arms with the figure of the winged dragon, referring to Saint George’s legend. Inside the church there are four altars dedicated to Saint George, Saint Philip Neri, Saint Patrick and Saint Edward the Confessor. The church offers Masses in English every week as well as services in Italian, including a weekly service in the traditional Roman rite. The church also provides several charitable services to the community, and offers a variety of social activities and retreats.

Explore Rome most popular tourist destination with us. Chiesa di San Giorgio e dei Martiri Inglesi In Rome: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Rome main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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