Glenwood Baptist Church In Georgia: History,Facts, & Services


is a gospel-centered, Christ-filled, Spirit-filled family of faith located in Conyers, GA. Our vision is to reach, equip, and send individuals to see lost people come to saving faith in Christ. We are committed to maintaining a family atmosphere and providing a warm and inviting environment where all can feel welcomed and comforted. We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds, and seek to understand and serve one another with unconditional love. We are passionate about serving our community and making a difference in the world. It is one of the best churches in Georgia which you must visit.


Glenwood Baptist Church is located in Decatur, Georgia. It was founded in 1918 and is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. The church is pastored by Dr. Timothy Austin. It serves over 2000 members through ministries for all ages. There are multiple weekly worship services, outreach programs, and community service activities. Programs like Bible study, youth group, and ladies' ministries are also available. Glenwood is committed to serving the surrounding community through a variety of local mission initiatives and international mission trips. Here are some facts about the Georgia Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Georgia


At Glenwood Baptist Church in Georgia, we offer the following services: 1. Worship Services: We have weekly worship services on Sundays that provide an opportunity for members of the church to come together in prayer and song to worship the Lord. We offer Sunday school for all ages, with children's and youth ministries available, as well as seasonal special services such as Thanksgiving and Easter. 2. Bible Study: We offer Bible study classes for adults on Sunday and throughout the week. These provide a great opportunity for discipleship and becoming more knowledgeable about the Word of God. 3. Fellowship Events: Throughout the year, the church hosts a variety of special events for fellowship and relationship-building. These include game nights, holiday meals, family movie nights, and athletic activities such as scavenger hunts. 4. Mission Trips: We send team members to serve short-term mission trips in the United States and to countries around the world. We equip our team members with the tools they need to make a lasting impact in the lives of those they serve. 5. Community Outreach: The church’s Community Outreach Ministry strives to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the local community. We are providing food pantries, backpacks for school children, clothing banks, and more. This beautiful church in Georgia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Georgia most popular tourist destination with us. Glenwood Baptist Church In Georgia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Georgia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    Glenwood Baptist Church is located in Dalton, Georgia.

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Glenwood Baptist Church is located in Dalton, Georgia. Georgia

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