St kidane Miheret In Ethiopia: History,Facts, & Services


St. Kidane Miheret (also spelled Kidane Meheret) is one of the most important religious figures in Ethiopian Christianity and is celebrated by Ethiopia’s Christians as a national martyr. He was a monk, priest, and hermit of great holiness and humility who lived in the late 16th century. He is believed to have spent most of his life in solitude in a cave in the church of St. Gerazim near the village of Mitababo in central Ethiopia, living only on the offerings of local villagers who recognized him as a saint. St. Kidane Miheret is credited with important contributions to the Orthodox Tewahedo Church, including his authorship of the Zegweta Berhane Selassie, an authoritative guide to Ethiopian monastic life. He is also said to have written several other books on spiritual instruction and divinity, and to have traveled widely, particularly in the areas around Laki and Debre Libanos. He is remembered to this day for his piety, humility, and patient acceptance of persecution at the hands of pagan rulers. He is celebrated as a martyr by the Church, and his feast day is celebrated on October 3rd. It is one of the best churches in Ethiopia which you must visit.


St. Kidane Miheret is one of Ethiopia’s most celebrated Christian saints. He is said to have been born in 1585, in the district of Dabra Dambo, Gojam province, Ethiopia. He is said to have lived for over 100 years and his life was a model of asceticism and purity. St. Kidane Miheret is believed to be the founder and patron saint of all Ethiopian monks. His feast day is celebrated on August 14th every year and is a beloved holiday throughout Ethiopia. The life of St. Kidane Miheret is recorded in the biography of him by Abba Libanos. According to this account, he was known for his spiritual strength, asceticism, charity, and abstinence from food and other comforts. He spent most of his life in solitary retreats in the hermitages of Dabra Dambo and Dabra Menageshe. He is also said to have been a great healer, and even cured a man of illness when a certain zar (priest) of the region had failed. St. Kidane Miheret is also credited with having the prophetic gift. He accurately predicted the death of Emperor Yohannes IV’s heir, bringing comfort to the family as well as the Emperor himself. St. Kidane Miheret is revered not only by Ethiopian Christians, but by many members of other religions in Ethiopia as well, for his remarkable holiness and exemplary life. Here are some facts about the Ethiopia Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Ethiopia


St Kidane Miheret is an Ethiopian Orthodox church located in Mekelle, Ethiopia. The church offers a variety of services to the believers according to Ethiopian Orthodox tradition. Some of these services include religious services like Sunday services, daily liturgical services, worship, religious education, and many other spiritual and cultural activities. The church also provides community support services such as food distribution, clothing, medical assistance, and general social support. Furthermore, St Kidane Miheret also engages in social activities such as public debates, seminars, and concerts. Through its various activities, the church strives to contribute towards the advancement of Mekelle’s society and people. This beautiful church in Ethiopia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Ethiopia most popular tourist destination with us. St kidane Miheret In Ethiopia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Ethiopia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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