Goffa maranatha church In Ethiopia: History,Facts, & Services


Gaffa maranta church is one of the earliest Amhara churches located near Debre Brehan in Central Ethiopia. It was founded in 1658 by Reverend Gebre Nagast, who was a monk during the reign of Emperor Fasilidas (r. 1632–67). The church was then restored by King Fasilidas's daughter Ache Ejigu (r. 1700–1710) and served as a spiritual center for the local community. The church is still in use today and its highly decorated interior walls are filled with beautiful artistry. The church provides religious services and is a source of education for the village and surrounding area. It is one of the best churches in Ethiopia which you must visit.


1. The Goffa Maranatha Church is located in the Amhara region of Ethiopia. 2. The church was founded by Reverend Clement Michael in 1992. 3. The church’s primary language is Amharic, but other languages such as English, Oromo, Tigrigna, and Swahili are also spoken. 4. Goffa Maranatha Church has more than 50 branches throughout Ethiopia. 5. It also has Missionary outreaches in Romania, Germany, the United States, and Canada. 6. Goffa Maranatha Church focuses on providing spiritual and physical help to its members. 7. Every Sunday, Goffa Maranatha Church provides 3 worship services for its members. 8. The church’s mission is to make Jesus Christ known to the people of Ethiopia and to provide spiritual care. 9. The church also has a ministry to help the needy and disadvantaged communities. 10. Goffa Maranatha Church is committed to bringing the life-changing knowledge of the love of God to all corners of Ethiopia. Here are some facts about the Ethiopia Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Ethiopia


1. Sunday Worship Service: Goffa Maranatha church offers Sunday worship services that include Bible readings, sermons, and music. 2. Bible Study: The church offers Bible study opportunities for adults and children. 3. Outreach Ministry: Goffa Maranatha Church also has an outreach ministry, which seeks to reach out to people in need, whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual needs. 4. Prayer Services: Goffa Maranatha Church offers prayer services for those who are seeking prayer and/or healing. 5. Missions Trips: The church also organizes mission trips, both locally and internationally. These trips allow members to go out and share the Gospel. 6. Children's Ministry: Goffa Maranatha Church also offers a children's ministry program. This program aims to teach children the importance of faith and attending church. This beautiful church in Ethiopia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Ethiopia most popular tourist destination with us. Goffa maranatha church In Ethiopia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Ethiopia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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