Gishen Debre Kerbe In Ethiopia: History,Facts, & Services


is a major site of pilgrimage for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. It is believed to be the source of a miraculous healing water, which is used to anoint spiritual and physical ailments in a special healing ceremony. The tradition is believed to be around 2,500 years old and is believed to have been first performed by Abuna Tekle Haimanot, a prominent saint from the 12th century. During the ceremony, a group of pilgrims, accompanied by a priest, prays near the spring and the water is blessed and used to anoint anyone with an ailment. It is one of the best churches in Ethiopia which you must visit.


1. Gishen Debre Kerbe is located in the middle of Amhara Region in Ethiopia. 2. It is the birthplace of Abune Yeshua, the first known native patriarch of Ethiopia in 1315-1318 and the first Ethiopian orthodox teacher, the "Gishen Abune" 3. The ruins of the ancient church Gishen Debre Kerbe are located in the hills overlooking Gishen Debre Kerbe village. 4. Gishen Debre Kerbe is the home of the renowned 15th century Ethiopian saint, Gishen Tekle Haymanot, whose remains are located in this church. 5. The village is considered to be the spiritual center of Christianity in Ethiopia. 6. Gishen Debre Kerbe is famous for its ancient Christian monasteries, churches, and monuments which date back centuries. 7. During the 14th century, these monasteries were under the direct control of the Abba Negus (Chief Prince) and later the power shifted to the Lay Elders who managed the affairs of the village. 8. Gishen Debre Kerbe is also known for its yearly celebrations like Gishen festival and Christmas. Pilgrims from all the regions around come to this place during these festivals to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and to remember the saint, Gishen Tekle Haymanot. 9. Gishen Debre Kerbe is also famous for its traditional singing style known as the bagana. Here are some facts about the Ethiopia Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Ethiopia


1. Hospital Care: Gishen Debre Kerbe provides basic medical care to its patients in an effort to reduce barriers to access care and improve the overall health of its community. 2. Community Outreach: The hospital works closely with its community to educate them on important health topics, like HIV prevention and nutrition. 3. Oral Health Program: Gishen Debre Kerbe runs an oral health program that provides free dental care to its patients. 4. Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation: The hospital offers physiotherapy and rehabilitation services, helping patients manage chronic pain, recover from injuries, and improve mobility. 5. Mental Health Services: Gishen Debre Kerbe provides mental health services to its patients, offering counseling and support for those suffering from depression, anxiety, and trauma. 6. Nutrition Education: The hospital’s nutrition education program helps individuals learn how to properly prepare and store food and gain access to nutritious foods. 7. HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment: Gishen Debre Kerbe offers treatment and support for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. 8. Maternal and Child Health: The hospital has a maternal and child health program to ensure mothers and children are receiving the necessary care they need to thrive. This beautiful church in Ethiopia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Ethiopia most popular tourist destination with us. Gishen Debre Kerbe In Ethiopia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Ethiopia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Amhara Ethiopia

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