Santa Maria in Montesanto In Rome: History,Facts, & Services

Santa Maria in Montesanto is a Roman Catholic Church located in the centre of the town of Montesanto, Italy. The Church is known for its frescoes and the many works of art that adorn the Church’s interior. The Church is built on the site of the Temple of Mars Ultor, which was destroyed between 1558 and 1561 during a period of urban renewal led by Giovanni Battista Santoni. Santa Maria in Montesanto It is one of the best churches in Rome which you must visit.


Santa Maria in Montesanto was built in 1561 by Giovanni Battista Santoni and Girolamo Rainaldi. Before the Church was built, the site had been the home of the Temple of Mars Ultor. The walls of the Church are said to have been built from the stone blocks that were taken from the Temple ruins. In the 17th century, the Church underwent a renovation and several of the frescoes adorning the walls were painted. These frescoes depict historical events, Biblical scenes, and important figures from some of the Church's most revered religious orders. Santa Maria in Montesanto This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Rome.


Here are some facts about the Santa Maria in Montesanto In Rome: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Rome
- Santa Maria in Montesanto is an example of the Baroque style of architecture. - The Church is located in close proximity to the town square, Piazza Orsini. - The Church houses the funerary monument of the Spanish cardinal Antonio Carafa - The Church is home to several chapels, including one dedicated to John the Baptist - Santoni and Rainaldi are buried in the Church as well. Santa Maria in Montesanto

Santa Maria in Montesanto services are available for both religious and cultural reasons. Religious services, such as masses and weekly services, are available for parishioners and those looking for spiritual guidance. Cultural services are also available and the Church holds concerts, plays, and other types of performances throughout the year.This beautiful church in Rome has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Rome most popular tourist destination with us. Santa Maria in Montesanto In Rome: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Rome main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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