Relics of the Steamer “Dayspring” at Jebba Station, Kwara State In Nigeria: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The steamer "Dayspring" is one of the most renowned ancient vessels in Nigerian History. Built in the 1880s by the British Colony of Sierra Leone, the Dayspring was a 166-ton wooden steamer that plied the Niger River for more than three decades. More recently, the remnants of the Dayspring were discovered in Nigeria's Kwara State at Jebba Station in the late 1990s, and a monument was later built to commemorate its historic ties to the region. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Nigeria
Prominent Features:

1. Remains of the Engine: The largest and most distinctive feature of the Dayspring is its engine. This powers the steamer and is one of the oldest operating steamboats on the Niger River. 2. Boilers: The Dayspring also features two coal-fired boilers that are still largely intact. The boilers were originally used to generate power and provide heat for the vessel. 3. Propellers & Rudders: The Dayspring is also outfitted with two sturdy and impressive propellers and rudders. These rudders provide the steamer with forward propulsion. 4. Cabins: The cabins of the Dayspring are large enough to accommodate a handful of guests during the vessel's journey along the Niger River. The cabins feature beautifully decorated panels and ceilings. 5. Deck & Galley: The steamer also features an open deck and galley, where passengers were able to prepare meals and view the scenery as they sailed along the Niger River. 6. Support Structures: At Jebba Station, visitors can also see the large mooring and anchor support structures that helped keep the Dayspring safely tied to the shore. The support structures are still largely intact, allowing visitors to observe how the steamer was set up in its time. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Nigeria.


The Steamer “Dayspring” is a historical relic of the colonial period in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The Dayspring was a wooden stern-wheel river steamer built at Harland and Wolff shipyard in Northern Ireland and sailed to Nigeria in the late 19th century. The ship was used by the British colonial Government to navigate the Niger River in order to suppress tribe resistance to colonialism in the region. The Dayspring was able to navigate the shallow and winding Niger River and assist in the collection of taxes and other resources from the tribes in the interior. In the early 1900s, the Dayspring was assigned to the Jebba Station in Kwara State, Nigeria. During the colonial period it was used to keep the peace in the station and transport goods between port cities in the region. In the late 1940s, the Dayspring was refitted and used by the military for patrols along the shoreline. The Dayspring was eventually decommissioned and returned to Jebba in the 1950s. After being decommissioned, the Dayspring was utilized as a fishing boat until it was eventually retired in 1970. Today artifacts from the Dayspring are on display at the local government office at Jebba Station in Kwara State, Nigeria. These pieces of history serve as a reminder of the colonial era and are a reminder of the importance of the Niger Delta region in Nigeria’s history. Visit one of the famous monuments of Nigeria with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Dayspring was a British steamer that made her final voyage to Jebba Station in Kwara State, Nigeria in 1966. 2. The wreckage of the Dayspring still lies at Jebba Station, just off the Niger River. 3. The Dayspring was built in 1921 and had a lifespan of 45 years. 4. She was rated as a 300ton coastal steamer with a 504 horsepower triple expansion engine. 5. In 1966 she was used to transport food and medical supplies to the people of Kwara State during the Nigerian Civil War. 6. In addition to her cargo, the Dayspring also carried 150 passengers, including many local children, to the safety of Jebba Station. 7. The Dayspring ran aground in the middle of the Niger River in the early hours of the morning, and her crew abandoned ship shortly afterwards, leaving behind 3 stowaways. 8. The remains of the Dayspring have become a tourist attraction, allowing visitors to explore the rusting hull of the boat and see the relics of the time. One of the historical monuments of Nigeria, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Nigeria most popular tourist destination with us. Relics of the Steamer “Dayspring” at Jebba Station, Kwara State In Nigeria: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Nigeria main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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