Museum of the Santa Inquisición in Lima In Peru: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Museum of the Santa Inquisición (MUSITI) is an educational and historical museum located in the historic center of Lima, Peru. Established in 2002, it is dedicated to the official inquiry and secret police force of the colonial era known as the 'Santa Inquisición'. At this museum, visitors can explore interactive exhibitions showcasing both the complex aspects and the horrific actions of the Inquisition. The museum houses documents, instruments, and objects from during colonial times in Peru and the events associated with it. Alongside these objects, visitors can explore and learn about the horrific torture methods that were used on those prosecuted during this period, the harsh punishments handed out to criminals, and the continuing legacy of this time in Peruvian culture. Through its exhibits, the museum aims to raise awareness and offer educational resources on the history of the Santa Inquisición. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Peru
Prominent Features:

, the Museum of the Santa Inquisición is a popular tourist attraction located in Lima. It contains displays of torture instruments used during the Spanish Inquisition, as well as literature, paintings, artifacts, and information about the Inquisition's history in Peru. The museum also features a replica of the infamous “garrote”, a specialized torture device used for the public executions of those deemed heretical by the Inquisition. Additionally, visitors can view documents and other materials related to the Inquisition, and take part in educational activities at the museum. By visiting the Museum of the Santa Inquisición, visitors are able to learn about a dark period of Peru’s colonial history, make a personal connection to the country’s past, and gain insight into a part of its cultural heritage. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Peru.


The Museum of the Santa Inquisición in Lima was opened in 1988 as a means of honoring the cruelty and injustices inflicted upon the thousands who were persecuted, tortured, and executed by the Spanish Inquisition during its 300 year reign over South America. The museum is housed in the old palace of the Lima Inquisition Tribunal and most of the exhibits are original pieces used by the Inquisition. Inside the museum one can find the original artwork and sculptures that served as reminders of God’s justice and the punishments for not following the rules of the Church. One of the most famous artifacts in the museum is the Neck of San Pedro, a four-meter tall wooden structure that symbolizes the struggle of bad against good. In addition to artifacts, the museum also offers a history of the Inquisition, with more than 1,000 documents and books relating to its torture methods and its infamous auto-da-fe’s. The museum is also home to a chapel, where visitors can pay tribute to those who died under the Inquisition. Today, the museum serves as a reminder of the legacy of the Inquisition and its influence on Peru. Visit one of the famous monuments of Peru with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The original Museum of the Santa Inquisición was established in 1939 in a building located in the historic neighbourhood of Downtown Lima. 2. The museum holds a collection of Inquisition artifacts, including shackles, whips, garbs and woodcuts. 3. The building was part of the former Palace of the Inquisition, which was built in the 16th century to store ancient artifacts related to the Inquisition. 4. In 1821, the Inquisition was abolished and the palace was converted into a prison, before becoming a museum in 1939. 5. The museum currently holds a collection of photographs, documents, and archaeological pieces such as coins, seals, candlesticks, and crosses. 6. It is a popular tourist destination and is frequently visited by students taking school trips to learn about the history of the Inquisition. 7. The museum organizes lectures, conferences, and exhibitions related to the history of the Inquisition. 8. In 1999, the museum was declared a Historic/Cultural Heritage site by the City of Lima. 9. In 2012, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. One of the historical monuments of Peru, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Peru most popular tourist destination with us. Museum of the Santa Inquisición in Lima In Peru: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Peru main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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