Leipzig Gewandhaus In Germany: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Leipzig Gewandhaus is a concert hall located in Leipzig, Germany. It is one of the world's oldest symphony orchestras and has been playing since 1743. The current venue for performances is the Gewandhaus concert hall, which was opened in 1981 and seats over 2,000 people. The building also houses the Gewandhaus Museum, which contains musical instruments used by the orchestra over the centuries. The orchestra performs a broad range of symphonic and chamber music, from works of the Baroque period to the present day. The orchestra occasionally takes part in or is the headliner for a variety of important music festivals, from the Rheingau Festival to the Leipzig Bach Festival. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Germany
Prominent Features:

1. Built in 1781 and hailed as one of the world's oldest and most renowned concert halls, the Gewandhaus in Leipzig is a sight to behold. 2. Noted for its incredible acoustics, the hall has the capacity to hold up to 2,100 people. 3. The prestigious Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra performs in the venue, as well as renowned guest conductors and soloists from around the world. 4. The neo-Renaissance building was designed by architect Carl Adolph von Carlowitz, with the interior redesigned in 1913. 5. Many great composers such as Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Johannes Brahms, Richard Wagner, and Gustav Mahler have performed or conducted at the hall. 6. The building also houses a museum, where original instruments used by renowned historical figures can be found. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Germany.


The Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra is one of the oldest symphony orchestras in the world, with a long and distinguished history of more than 250 years beginning in 1743. Founded by a group of merchants, the Gewandhaus soon became the most significant musical force in Leipzig and one of the leading orchestras in all of Germany. Under the direction of Johann Adam Hiller from 1784-1804, the Gewandhaus developed from a symphonic chamber orchestra into a full symphonic orchestra. His initiatives saw the creation of the annual Leipzig Gewandhaus Concert Schedule and the inauguration of a series of public concerts designed to bring music to all strata of society. In 1835, Felix Mendelssohn became the Gewandhaus’s first music director, and he is credited with having orchestrated the modern version of the orchestra. His tenure saw the expansion of the orchestra to its present size of 95 players, and the launch of the Gewandhaus Choir. Mendelssohn also established the Bach Archive and commissioned the building of the Gewandhaus concert hall in 1843. The Gewandhaus enjoyed a rich history during the Nazi era, including performances of works by banned composers such as Mahler and Hindemith. From 1945 onwards, Herbert Blomstedt served as the music director, and under his leadership the orchestra performed all the major works of the Classical and Romantic repertoire as well as the works of contemporary composers. Current music director Riccardo Chailly has held the post since 2005. Today, the Gewandhaus continues to present regular concerts throughout the year and serves as a beacon of musical excellence in Germany. It can also be heard live and recorded on an array of media, including SACDs, CDs, and broadcasts on the radio. Visit one of the famous monuments of Germany with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Gewandhaus Orchestra is one of the oldest orchestras in the world, being established in the year 1743. 2. It was originally an association of 56 tailors, who met at the coffee house “Auf der Gewand” to discuss music. 3. The Leipzig Gewandhaus is one of the famous concert halls in the world, having one of the biggest pipe organs in the whole world, which has 6,567 pipes. 4. The first classical period composer to have a guest performance at the Gewandhaus was none other than Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, back in 1789. 5. It is also renowned for premiering many artists such as Beethoven, Robert and Clara Schumann as well as Johannes Brahms. 6. It was also the place Felix Mendelssohn took over the directorship of the Gewandhaus orchestra in the year 1835. 7. It has burned down twice and had many renovations, finally settling to its current design in 1981. 8. The hall has remarkable acoustics and design, with a balcony that divides the hall in two. 9. The Gewandhaus has even seen the prominent figures such as Queen Victoria, Mark Twain, Bill Clinton and Archbishop Nelson Mandela. 10. Many famous musicians have performed in the Gewandhaus, including Yehudi Menuhin, Yo Yo Ma and Claudio Abbado, amongst many other names. One of the historical monuments of Germany, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Germany most popular tourist destination with us. Leipzig Gewandhaus In Germany: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Germany main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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