Ephesus Library in Izmir In Turkey: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Ephesus Library in Izmir is a historic library located near Kusadası on the Aegean Sea coast of Turkey. The library was originally built by Ptolemy II Philadelphus, King of Egypt and one of the most celebrated members of the Ptolemaic dynasty, in 295 BCE. It was later reconstructed and expanded during the reign of Emperor Hadrian in the second century CE. Today, the library stands as the last remaining building of the ancient city of Ephesus and serves as a reminder of the city’s glorious past. With its tall stone columns and intricate decorations, it stands as a monument to the city’s history and culture. The library is now a part of the Ephesus Archaeological Site, which is open to the public with a range of exhibits and activities, making it a great place to explore and learn about the past. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Turkey
Prominent Features:

The Ephesus Library, located in the ancient city of Izmir in Turkey, was built in 117AD by Gaius Julius Aquila. This grand library was the third largest in the Roman world, behind the libraries of Alexandria and Pergamum. It was built on top of the Temple of Hadrian and had two floors, holding a total of 12,000 scrolls. Its facade was modelled on the Propylaeum of the Temple of Athena in Athens and was decorated with marble friezes depicting goddesses, Nereids, and dolphins. The library had three entrances, with the main one opening to the temple's courtyard, where a statue of the goddess Tyche (luck) stood. It was also the home to a butterfly garden, which served to attract butterflies and bees for pollination of the nearby fruits and vegetables. It is also believed that the library contained a number of manuscripts from the New Testament, which were sold to traders who passed through the city. The library burned down in 262AD, during the Province of Asia's revolt against Emperor Gallienus. Some of its archways and columns were still visible until the 1800s, when they were destroyed during the remodelling of the port of Izmir. Today, the remains of the library form part of the archaeological site of Ephesus. The remains are still being excavated by experts and are open to the public. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Turkey.


The Ephesus Library, located in the ancient city of Ephesus in Izmir, Turkey,was built in the 2nd century BC by the Attalid kings of Pergamon. It was originally constructed to house parchment scrolls, manuscripts, and other ancient Greek documents. It was one of the largest libraries of the ancient world and was renowned for its vast collection of literary works from the classical period. At its peak, it was reported to contain 200,000 books on a variety of subjects. This made it one of the most important libraries of its time, with patrons from all over the known world traveling to use its vast resources. It was destroyed when the invading Goths sacked Ephesus in 262 AD, and its treasures were either destroyed or scattered throughout the Mediterranean. Today, the ruins of the Ephesus Library are seen as a symbol of the great intellectual achievements of the ancient Greeks, and it remains an important tourist attraction in Izmir. The library is now a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site at the Ancient City of Ephesus. Visit one of the famous monuments of Turkey with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Ephesus Library (or Celsus Library) dates back to the 2nd century CE and was part of the arch adjoining the Roman Temple of Serapis. 2. The library was built to contain more than 12,000 scrolls and to serve as a monumental tomb for Celsus. 3. It was one of the most important and impressive examples of the Library architecture of the Roman Empire. 4. The facade of the library is designed in the form of a façade with Corinthian pilasters on the upper story and ornamented white marble columns on the lower story. 5. It is believed that the Library of Ephesus was the first to ever catalog its scrolls. 6. The Library is now considered to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 7. The Library was partially destroyed in the 4th century but much of the structure is still standing today. 8. It is considered one of the most beautiful and impressive ancient libraries in the world. 9. In 2016, UNESCO inscribed the Library of Ephesus as a World Heritage Site. One of the historical monuments of Turkey, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Turkey most popular tourist destination with us. Ephesus Library in Izmir In Turkey: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Turkey main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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