Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia Decanato In Rome: History,Facts, & Services

Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia Decanato is an Italian Protestant church affiliated with the Lutheran Theological Institute. It has been active since the late 19th century and is the only Lutheran denomination in Italy. The Decanato is an administrative unit similar to a diocese, and is lead by a provost who is responsible for overseeing the activities of the local churches and gathering the regional clergy together for seminars and meetings. The Decanato is also responsible for providing spiritual, doctrinal and administrative guidance to the churches in the region and for developing ecumenical relations. Its headquarters are located in Florence and there are currently twenty-five local churches in the Decanato, most of which are located in Northern Italy. History The Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia Decanato traces its roots to the mid-19th century, when several Protestant churches had established themselves in Italy. In the 1870s, a Lutheran congregation was founded in Florence and was later recognized as an official Lutheran church in 1891. This congregation formed the basis of what would eventually become the Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia Decanato. The Decanato was officially established in 1906 under the name “Chiesa Evangelica Luterana Italiana”, and was recognized by the Italian Ministry of Interior in 1909. Facts The Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia Decanato comprises 25 Lutheran churches across northern Italy. It is one of six Lutheran church bodies in Italy, and the only one located in the north of the country. The Decanato is organized into two Deaneries, the Decanato Settentrionale (Northern Deanery) and the Decanato Centrale (Central Deanery). The Decanato is lead by a provost, currently Rev. Dr. Giovanni Smedders, who is responsible for overseeing the activities of the local churches and gathering the regional clergy together for seminars and meetings. Services The Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia Decanato offers a variety of services, such as Sunday worship services, baptism ceremonies, weddings, catechism instruction, and funerals. The Decanato also provides spiritual and pastoral care to its members. It supports ecumenical and interfaith dialogue, sponsors various educational and cultural activities, and engages in charitable works. The Decanato also publishes the periodical “Evangelio Italia”, which includes news and reports from the various churches in the region.

Explore Rome most popular tourist destination with us. Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia Decanato In Rome: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Rome main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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