Latter Day Saint Church In Dominican Republic: History,Facts, & Services

The Latter Day Saint Church is a denomination of Christianity that emerged in the 1820s in the United States and is sometimes referred to as "Mormonism". It is based on the teachings of Joseph Smith, Jr., who established the Church of Christ and later established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Latter Day Saint Church is led by a group of Church leaders called apostles, and is organized according to a set of revelations and scriptures they believe to be divinely inspired. Latter Day Saint Church doctrines are based on Smith’s revelations, the Bible, and the Book of Mormon. Latter Day Saint Church history begins with Smith's founding of the Church of Christ in 1830 and the book of Mormon, an ancient record based on Smith's revelations. Smith later established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which later moved from New York to Ohio and then finally to Utah. In the 19th century, the Church experienced numerous schisms and reorganizations, some of which led to what is now known as the Community of Christ, which is not affiliated with the Latter Day Saint Church. Latter Day Saint Church doctrines focus on ongoing guidance from God through apostolic leaders, temples, and scripture study. The Church teaches that families are eternal and that faith and virtue are necessary for individual salvation. Families are encouraged to practice self-sufficiency, and members are expected to abstain from many activities like drinking alcohol, smoking, and gambling. Latter Day Saint Church services are open to all members of the Church, and they typically consist of a combination of hymns, prayer, readings from the Bible and Book of Mormon, and talks by local leaders. Baptism is an important part of the Church and is required of those wishing to join the faith. The Sacrament is also performed every Sunday at Latter Day Saint churches, whereby members partake of bread and water in remembrance of Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice.

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