Église AD Djorogobité 2 In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services

Église AD Djorogobité 2 is a Protestant church located in the city of Djorogobité, Burkina Faso. It is affiliated with Assemblées de Dieu, a Pentecostal denomination in the Evangelical Reformed Church of France. The church was founded in 2002 by Pastor Justin Zankly and has grown to become one of the largest congregations in the city. History Église AD Djorogobité 2 was founded in 2002 by Pastor Justin Zankly. Zankly, a native of Ouagadougou and an ordained Assemblées de Dieu minister, moved to Djorogobité that same year with the intention of establishing a church. He recognized the spiritual need in the city and decided to start the church with a vision to be a light and a blessing to the community. Prior to founding the church, Zankly and his family had traveled around Burkina Faso and other countries preaching the Word of God to people and leading evangelism programs. Through this period, he was touched by the needs of the people in Burkina Faso and was inspired to start his own church in Djorogobité and serve the community there. Facts Église AD Djorogobité 2 has grown rapidly since its founding, and now boasts a congregation of over 2000 members. The church has become a stable and thriving religious institution in the city, and is widely respected by the citizens due to its positive impact on the community. In addition to its regular Sunday services, the church holds additional meetings and activities during the week, such as Bible study classes and prayer meetings. The church also offers regular outreach programs, including seminars and events designed to help people develop life skills, to teach the Word of God, and to provide spiritual guidance. Services Église AD Djorogobité 2 offers a wide range of services to its members and the greater community. In addition to its regular Sunday services, the church holds meetings and activities throughout the week, such as Bible study classes and prayer meetings. The church also offers a variety of services and programs, such as children’s ministries, marriage counseling, youth outreach, and mission trips. Additionally, the church provides a variety of social services, such as providing food aid to those in need and helping local residents with job placement and access to educational resources.

Explore Côte d'Ivoire most popular tourist destination with us. Église AD Djorogobité 2 In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Côte d'Ivoire main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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