Igreja Quadrangular Cabo Verde In CABO VERDE: History,Facts, & Services

Igreja Quadrangular Cabo Verde is a religious association that claims to be historically linked to the Azorean immigration in the 19th century. It is the syncretic religion in which doctrinaire Pentecostal Protestantism intermingles with traditional African beliefs. The movement was started by Portuguese immigrants who arrived in the Cape Verde Islands in the 19th century. History It is believed that the religion may have developed in the early 1900s, as a result of the Azorean immigration in the Cape Verdean Isles. The Azoreans were predominantly Roman Catholic, but a certain group of immigrants broke away from the church and promulgated a reformation based on their own interpretations of Protestantism. These individuals were known as “Quadrantes” or “Legionarios” and practised a type of belief known as “Quadrante Protestantism” which was a combination of Catholicism and Pentecostalism. Facts The Quadrangular Church claims to have its roots in the Azorean immigration in the 19th century and believes in a syncretic blend of various religious beliefs such as Pentecostalism, Catholicism, and African traditional beliefs. It is based in Cape Verde, though there are several other regional bases in other countries. The Quadrangular Church has around 5,000 members worldwide and is the largest single religious movement in Cape Verde. It has been recognized by the Portuguese government as an official religion and is one of only three officially recognized religions in the country. Services The Quadrangular Church offers a range of services to its members including a variety of religious services, such as weekly prayer services, Bible studies and teachings, special events for members, and outreach programs for the community. Services are held in designated "Chapels", but the Church also has a presence in public events, such as festivals and processions, as well as youth activities. Most importantly, the Church is a source of hope and strength to its members and strives to provide spiritual guidance and fellowship.

Explore CABO VERDE most popular tourist destination with us. Igreja Quadrangular Cabo Verde In CABO VERDE: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from CABO VERDE main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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