Mission Évangélique Freedom Chapel Siège In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services

Mission Évangélique Freedom Chapel Siège is a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthen the spiritual and social development of Belizean families and youth. It was established in the early 1900s but its roots go back far beyond that. Its purpose is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide help to the needy, and to build strong communities. Its mission is to serve Belizean families and youth with spiritual, social, and educational ministries where lives are healed, strengthened, and empowered. It provides services such as Bible studies and youth conferences, tutoring and counseling, community outreach and development, and leadership programs. It also has a number of ministries that provide assistance to those in need such as food banks, clothing centers, medical assistance, and financial aid. In addition, it has a scholarship program for Belizean students.

Explore Côte d'Ivoire most popular tourist destination with us. Mission Évangélique Freedom Chapel Siège In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Côte d'Ivoire main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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