INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS (IFC) In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services

The International Fellowship of Christians (IFC) is an international, interdenominational organization providing spiritual guidance and resources for Christian communities around the world to help them become more informed and active about living out their Christian beliefs. The IFC was formed in 1973 by a coalition of Christian leaders coming from all over the world who wanted to unite their efforts in proclaiming the Gospel and lifting up the faith among people of different denominations, cultures, and races. The IFC fosters fellowship, facilitates interchurch and interfaith dialogue, organizes conferences and seminars, conducts translations of Gospel-related materials, and develops resources to equip Christians with the knowledge and skills needed to share their faith more effectively. The IFC has several thousand members in over 100 countries and is headquartered in Pretoria, South Africa.

Explore Côte d'Ivoire most popular tourist destination with us. INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS (IFC) In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Côte d'Ivoire main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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No state is associated with the International Fellowship of Christians (IFC). Côte d'Ivoire

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