Eglise Catholique De Yaou In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services

Eglise Catholique De Yaou is one of the largest and oldest Roman Catholic churches located in Yaou, Côte d'Ivoire. It was founded in 1910 as a mission by the Trappists (a branch of the Cistercian Order) from France with the blessing of the local Islamic leader Kouassi Affi. For many years it was the main church of the Yaouka people, as well as a place of refuge and social gathering. It is one of the best churches in Côte d'Ivoire which you must visit.


Eglise Catholique De Yaou was founded in 1910 by Trappist Fathers from France, primarily to convert the local population to Catholicism. It quickly become a focal point of the community, providing spiritual services and refuge for the local Yaouka people. Throughout the centuries, it has gone through a number of renovations to keep up with modern technology and to maintain its beautiful architecture. In 1984, the church was damaged in an earthquake, but it was restored to its original state in 2003. This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Côte d'Ivoire.


Here are some facts about the Eglise Catholique De Yaou In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Côte d'Ivoire
• Eglise Catholique De Yaou is located in Yaou, Côte d’Ivoire. • It is one of the oldest and largest Roman Catholic churches in the region. • It was founded in 1910 by Trappist Fathers from France. • It provides spiritual services and refuge for the local people. • It underwent major renovations in 2003 after being damaged in an earthquake in 1984.

Eglise Catholique De Yaou provides spiritual services such as mass and confessions, as well as offering a place of refuge and a community gathering space. It offers a variety of activities such as Bible and catechism classes, seminars and retreats, activities for youth and children, and outreach programs.This beautiful church in Côte d'Ivoire has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Côte d'Ivoire most popular tourist destination with us. Eglise Catholique De Yaou In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Côte d'Ivoire main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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ck Cameroon Côte d'Ivoire

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