Eglise Assemblée Royale des Rachetés- Côte d'Ivoire In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services
Eglise Assemblée Royale des Rachetés- Côte d'Ivoire is a Pentecostal Baptist church founded in 1972 by Pastor Laurent Kablan and located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The church seeks to provide a place of refuge, worship and comfort to thousands of people of all ages in the Abidjan region. The church is known for its strict doctrine, with the Lord's Prayer being the core of the daily service. The church also encourages its members to follow the teachings of Jesus and the Bible, as well as to pursue a morally upright life with an emphasis on service to others. The church is known for its charitable work and its various outreach programs which help local communities. Additionally, the church runs various schools and provides access to basic medical care for many of its members.
Explore Côte d'Ivoire most popular tourist destination with us. Eglise Assemblée Royale des Rachetés- Côte d'Ivoire In Côte d'Ivoire: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Côte d'Ivoire main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.
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