River Community Foursquare Church In Brazil: History,Facts, & Services


River Community Foursquare Church In Brazil began as a small group of believers living in one of the poorest riverside slums of Rio de Janeiro. In 2007, the first church service was held in a rented room in the heart of the favela. Although the Church has since grown and moved to a larger property, the leaders have remained committed to staying in their original location and serving the surrounding community. The Church’s mission is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to its community through evangelism and social action, guided by the concept of “meeting needs with the Love of God.” To realize its mission, River Community Church operates dozens of social projects, including seminars and meetings on politics, education, and economics, as well as programs such as food distribution, sports activities, youth activities, and recovery from addictions. River Community Church is part of the Foursquare denomination in Brazil, which is a leading network of Churches connected to the Foursquare Church International, headquartered in Los Angeles, California. River Community Church is also the sister church of the Hillsong Church in Rio de Janeiro. It is one of the best churches in Brazil which you must visit.


1. River Community Foursquare Church in Brazil was founded in 2008 by Pastors Luzimar and Christelle Oliveira. 2. The church is located in the city of Vespasiano, MG, in Brazil. 3. Its mission is to glorify God and proclaim His reign throughout Brazil. 4. The church members meet for worship every Sunday morning. 5. The church also seeks to serve the local community and act as an oasis of hope. 6. River Community Foursquare Church also provides pastoral counseling and youth ministries. 7. The church offers various bible study programs and small group meetings. 8. Additionally, the church also supports charitable works such as feeding the homeless, serving the needy, and assisting the elderly. Here are some facts about the Brazil Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Brazil


1. Worship Services: River Community Foursquare Church in Brazil offers weekly worship services which are bilingual with messages in English and Portuguese. 2. Music Ministry: River Community Foursquare Church in Brazil has a team of volunteer musicians and singers that gift the congregation with music that is a mixture of gospel and contemporary music. 3. Community Outreach: River Community Foursquare Church in Brazil is actively involved in community outreach activities such as feeding programs, healthcare help, and literacy programs. 4. Youth Services: River Community Foursquare Church in Brazil offers youth services designed to support the spiritual development of young people aged from 12 to 18. 5. Sunday School: River Community Foursquare Church in Brazil offers Sunday school classes for children and teenagers that aim to provide an environment where they can learn about God and grow in their faith. 6. Bible Studies: River Community Foursquare Church in Brazil has weekly Bible studies for adults and groups for people of all ages that provide an opportunity to explore their faith and to grow in knowledge and understanding. This beautiful church in Brazil has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Brazil most popular tourist destination with us. River Community Foursquare Church In Brazil: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Brazil main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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