FELLOWSHIP COMMUNITY CHURCH In Brazil: History,Facts, & Services


Fellowship Community Church, formerly known as Povo de Deus is a church located in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was established in 1998 by four young Brazilians who were inspired to spread their faith, expand their community, and build relationships with people from all backgrounds. Being deeply rooted in the Pentecostal tradition, the church places a great emphasis on Christian discipleship, the power of the Word of God, and loving fellowship. Through events such as spiritual retreats, worship services, prayer meetings, and mission trips the church seeks to be an example of how to live out a Christian lifestyle. Fellowship Community Church prides itself in being a place that welcomes people from all different backgrounds and points of view, and they seek to spread the love of Jesus to everyone. It is one of the best churches in Brazil which you must visit.


* Fellowship Community Church was founded in Curitiba, Brazil in February 2018 by Pastor Jayme Miranda. * The church seeks to build communities through relationships, introducing people to true life following Christ and demonstrating the love of God to others. * Fellowship Community Church seeks to create intentional areas of ministry: passionately living as disciples of Christ, intentionally developing deep relationships and being strategically sent to serve the world around us. * The church meets in a new facility located in the beautiful Botanical Gardens of Curitiba, offering incredible potential for growth. * Fellowship Community Church offers a wide range of ministries and services including, Sunday School, youth ministries, children’s ministries, missions, sports and other truly unique ministries. * Fellowship Community Church serves as a platform for international ministry partnerships, aiming to build relationships that further the Gospel and bring spiritual, economic and social transformation. Here are some facts about the Brazil Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Brazil


1. Worship and Prayer: Fellowship Community Church offers a variety of services and a place for prayer and worship. They have weekly services to worship and they also hold conferences and retreats that orient towards spiritual growth, as well as contact their church through phone, in person, or prayer meetings. 2. Youth Services: There is a special ministry for youth outreach that works with students from ages 12-18. This outreach provides support programs and special activities in order to keep youth engaged in furthering their education and spiritual growth. 3. Community Outreach: In an effort to reach out to their community, they offer services such as medical and health clinics, food distributions, and mission trips to less fortunate regions in Brazil. 4. Bible Studies and Counseling: Fellowship Community Church provides weekly bible studies as well as counseling services for those in need. 5. Community Events: The church offers a variety of community events that are thoughtfully planned, organized, and designed for the benefit of the church, its members, and the people in their immediate surroundings. 6. Music and Arts: Music is an important part of their services, as well as related performances. They also engage in other activities such as puppet shows, painting, and liturgical dancing that can be used as opportunities to share the good news and win new members. This beautiful church in Brazil has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Brazil most popular tourist destination with us. FELLOWSHIP COMMUNITY CHURCH In Brazil: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Brazil main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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