Catedral Metropolitana de Brasília In Brazil: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Catedral Metropolitana de Brasília in Brazil is the main Catholic church of Brazil’s federal capital and the seat of the Archdiocese of Brasília. The cathedral is distinctive because of its modernist design, which contrasts with the traditional Catholic churches of Brazil. It is located in the central square of Brasília's city plan and can accommodate up to 8,500 people. The cathedral was completed in 2002 and was consecrated by Pope John Paul II. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Brazil
Prominent Features:

The Catedral Metropolitana de Brasília is one of the most prominent features of the capital city of Brazil. This architecturally remarkable Roman Catholic cathedral was designed by renowned Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer and completed in 1970. The structure stands atop the Three Powers Plaza and is an example of the modern art architectural style usually referred to as "Constructive Deconstructionism". The cathedral is known for its abstract shape, composed of 16 columns that support an intricate lace-like dome that ascends heavenward. The interior of the structure is also quite remarkable, with its spectacular ceiling representing the glory of heaven. The Catedral Metropolitana de Brasília is an important part of the skyline of the city and an iconic symbol of Brazil. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Brazil.


The Catedral Metropolitana de Brasília, also known as the Metropolitan Cathedral of Brasília, is an iconic monument of modern architecture located in Brasília, the capital of Brazil. Designed by celebrated Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, the masterpiece was dedicated in 1970 and inaugurated in May 1970 during the country's national holiday. Made up of 16 concrete columns, the cathedral represents a storm of columns on the outside, while the interior features three curved arms, symbolizing the Holy Trinity, with a skylight that shines over the altar. Notable features of the cathedral include the stained glass walls and two 64-meter towers which, along with the skylight, are said to symbolize the Transfiguration. Niemeyer's design was inspired by modern abstract art and oftentimes considered an example of expressionist architecture. The sculptural exterior stands in stark contrast with the sparse and simple interior, which includes few decorations barring a large, white granite crucifix. Despite the fact that the cathedral was designed without any religious symbolism, its central location in a major religious center has made it an important symbol for many Brazilian Catholics. As such, it serves as the official seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brasília and hosts various impressive services and programs, including an annual Christmas concert. Visit one of the famous monuments of Brazil with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Catedral Metropolitana de Brasília is a significant Catholic landmark in Brasília, a modernist city designed mainly by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. 2. Established in 1967, the cathedral is often called the “Crown of Brasília,” owing to its crown-like External Hexagon dome. 3. Its sixteen columns are a representation of the Twelve Apostles and Mary, Jesus Christ’s mother. 4. The church features an exquisitely detailed stained glass window with a starburst representing the divine presence of Christ. 5. Noted Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos wrote a special peice for the installation of the stained glass window. 6. The Catedral Metropolitana de Brasília holds several world records for its size and state of the art acoustics. 7. The cathedral houses the tomb of Padre Josimo Tavares, a Catholic martyr who was killed in the conflict between gold miners and farmers in the Amazon in the mid-1700s. 8. The cathedral is a popular wedding venue and has become an iconic symbol of the city. One of the historical monuments of Brazil, it tells the story of a bygone era

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