Assembly of God IDEPS Aguas Claras In Brazil: History,Facts, & Services


is a church located in Alvorada, Paraná, Brazil. The church was established in October 2003 with a mission to evangelize and spread the good news about Jesus throughout the country. The congregation believes in the Deity of Jesus, the Great Commission, and Biblical teaching. The church offers both children’s and adult ministries, including clubs, events, and activities for all ages. It also provides resources such as books, prayers, Bible studies, music, and sermons to encourage spiritual growth and development. It is one of the best churches in Brazil which you must visit.


1. Assembly of God IDEPS Aguas Claras (AGIDEPS) is a non-profit organization founded in 2006 in Brasilia, Brazil. 2. AGIDEPS offers activities for people from birth to 18 years old in both physical and digital environments, most activities are focused on self-esteem building and life skills. 3. AGIDEPS embraces the idea of providing people with the opportunity to develop their own potential and find a better path for their future. 4. AGIDEPS works with local partners to provide families and youth with educational and recreational activities in order to create more sustainable growth and income opportunities. 5. AGIDEPS believes in the power of building relationships for the benefit of the community, and emphasizes the importance of volunteer work in giving back to the neighborhood. 6. AGIDEPS focuses on providing a supportive and safe environment for Brazilian children, youth and families to explore their abilities and grow as individuals. 7. AGIDEPS has achieved international recognition for their work with the United Nations Alliance on Civilizations and participated in International Youth Conferences in Lisbon and The Hague in 2019. Here are some facts about the Brazil Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Brazil


1. Worship Services: IDEPS Aguas Claras offers regular Sunday worship services including music, preaching, and prayer. The church also offers special services, such as Vespers services and Lenten services. 2. Ministry Programs: The church provides a wide variety of ministry programs and services, including outreach activities, youth programs, and spiritual development opportunities. 3. Social Services: IDEPS Aguas Claras is committed to helping the community and is involved in various projects to assist those in need, such as providing food and clothing to the needy. 4. Refugee Assistance: The church actively seeks to help refugees in the nearby area and works actively to assist them in obtaining legal status and finding resources to integrate them into the local community. 5. Community Events: IDEPS Aguas Claras engages in various social activities, such as hosting festivals and providing entertainment and educational opportunities for the local community. This beautiful church in Brazil has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Brazil most popular tourist destination with us. Assembly of God IDEPS Aguas Claras In Brazil: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Brazil main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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