Haa Wangchuklo Dzong In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Haa Wangchuklo Dzong is a fortress located in Haa District, Bhutan. The fortress was built in 1732 by the 7th Druk Desi and is one of the oldest fortifications in the country. The dzong is situated on a hilltop, surrounded by stone walls, and overlooks beautiful mountain valleys. Inside the dzong, there are several religious sites including a small temple with Buddhist mantra inscriptions. Every June, the Haa Wangchuklo Dzong Festival is held at the fortress to celebrate special events, ceremonies, cultural programs, and traditional Bhutanese music and dance. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bhutan
Prominent Features:

1. Positioned on a hilltop just above the Punatsangchhu River, the Haa Wangchuklo Dzong is an impressive fortress located in the Haa District of western Bhutan. 2. Built in 1639, the fortress was originally a monastery established and administered by members of the Drukpa Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. 3. It was later rearranged by an ancestor of the Wangchuk Dynasty in the late 1860s and it has since served as sacred religious site and administrative center for the district. 4. A unique feature of the fortress is its watchtower-style architecture, which is divided in two primary structures connected by an enclosed bridge. 5. The interior is divided into two sections- a Gatehouse and Courtyard, and the Grand Hall of Administration. 6. The Dzong also houses several temples, stupas, and other structural buildings, including a community hall with three stories. 7. The fortress's exterior is adorned with whitewashed walls and a tiled roof which creates a visual spectacle from the view of the valley below. 8. In 2018, the Dzong was declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its historic and cultural value. This national monument of Bhutan portrays the history and culture of the country.


Haa Wangchuklo Dzong was originally built in the 17th century by the great Terton (treasure revealer), Pema Lingpa. The Dzong was known as Chuzang Dzong and was situated in northern Bhutan near the Haa Valley. It was rebuilt in the late 18th century by the eighth King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. The King designated the Dzong as a fortress to protect the region, and it still plays a similar role today, guarding the western border of the country with its strategic position on a hilltop. The structure is three stories high with a number of unique features, including a ‘silver well’ that produces offerings to local deities on auspicious occasions. The Dzong also houses a large Buddha statue known as Gyangthangpa Bumthangkha. The Wangchuklo Dzong was damaged in the 1899 earthquake and was renovated in 1992. Today, it houses a small museum dedicated to preserving the area’s rich cultural heritage. You must visit one of these historical places in Bhutan on your Bhutan tour

Interesting facts:

1. Haa Wangchuklo Dzong is the oldest fortress in Bhutan, having been built in 1643 A.D. 2. Located in the western region of Bhutan, it is the administrative center of the Haa district. 3. It is also one of the few dzongs (Bhutanese fortresses) that still exist today. 4. The fortress is situated on a ridge, overlooking both the Haa Valley and the Paro Valley. 5. It was constructed by the 8th Temporal Ruler of Bhutan, Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay, under the direction of the great Drukpa hierarch, Tenzin Rabgye. 6. The fortress consists of three parts: the Goenkhar Dzong (inner fortress), the Senshey Dzong (middle fortress), and the Lingzhey Dzong (outer fortress). 7. It is surrounded by various small villages and serves as the religious and administrative center for the people of the area. 8. The dzong has over 60 temples and shrines, and about 400 monks are stationed within its walls. 9. It is a popular sightseeing and pilgrimage destination and is considered to be a living example of Bhutan’s traditional and vibrant history. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bhutan with your friends and family.

Explore Bhutan most popular tourist destination with us. Haa Wangchuklo Dzong In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Bhutan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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