Belfry of Ghent, Ghent In Belgium: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Belfry of Ghent (Dutch: Belfort van Gent, French: Beffroi de Gand), also known as the City Hall Tower, is the historic symbol of the city of Ghent, Belgium. The tower is located around the corner from Ghent's famous three towers and is a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Belfry was built in the early 14th century, but the top portion of the tower was rebuilt in the later part of the 17th century following a massive fire. The bell tower stands at 91 metres tall and is protected by four gabled roofs. The tower houses a carillon, a system of bells played by a carillonist, and is open for visitors to access the top of the tower and the ringing room. The Belfry is the only carilloned tower in Belgium. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Belgium
Prominent Features:

The Belfry of Ghent is a medieval bell tower in Ghent, Belgium. It is one of the most prominent features in the city, and is considered to be one of the three main historic symbols of Ghent, along with the Saint Bavo's Cathedral and the Saint Nicholas' Church. The Belfry was built in the 13th century, and has served as a bell tower, an observation post, and a watchtower throughout its long history. The Belfry is especially noted for its distinct brick architecture and its openwork spire, which serves as a reminder of its long-standing importance to the city of Ghent. The tower is open to visitors and contains a carillon of 48 bells, the oldest of which dates back to the 13th century. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Belgium.


The Belfry of Ghent is located in the historic center of Ghent, Belgium and is the city's most iconic landmark. The tower is one of three in the area, the other two being the Saint Bavo Cathedral and Saint Nicholas' Church. The Belfry of Ghent was first constructed in the 11th century as part of the ramparts that protected the city from invaders. The Romanesque tower was gradually expanded over the centuries as Ghent grew in power and size. In the 14th century, the belfry underwent substantial reconstruction and expansion, with the addition of the two towers, and the top of the tower was made higher. The new structure was more than 90 meters high, making it the tallest building in Europe. During this time the bells were installed in the belfry and it became the centre of Ghent’s civic life. Over the centuries, the Belfry of Ghent underwent several renovations and additions, with each renovation adding to the elegance and grandeur of the tower. In 1540, the step pyramid on the top of the tower was constructed and the watchman's lodge was added. The watchman was responsible for announcing the time of the day from the tower and for sounding the alarm bells in an emergency. In the 17th century, a special clock was installed in the belfry and the top was decorated with gilded weather-vanes. In the late 19th century, the interior of the tower was given a new façade in the French Neo-Classic style. In 1999, the Belfry of Ghent was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Today, it is still the center of the city's civic life and remains an icon of the city. Visit one of the famous monuments of Belgium with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Belfry of Ghent, also known as Belfort, is a medieval bell tower located in Ghent, Belgium. It is one of three towers that guard the city's old center, along with the Saint Bavo Cathedral and Saint Nicholas’ Church. 2. The Belfry is the city's main landmark and is listed as one of the Belfries of Belgium and France, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 3. The tower was built between 1313 and 1380 and stands approximately 90 meters tall. 4. It is the only remaining structure of the old Ghent city hall. 5. The belfry contains a carillon of 47 bells, which can be heard from miles away. 6. The main carillon bells were created in 1631, and the two smallest bells were added in the 18th century. 7. The Belfry is open to visitors and the bells are rung three times daily at 11 a.m., midday and 7 p.m. 8. The four dimensional white gilt and copper statue of St. Michael slaying the Dragon that graces the top of the Belfry was created in 1639. One of the historical monuments of Belgium, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Belgium most popular tourist destination with us. Belfry of Ghent, Ghent In Belgium: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Belgium main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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