Monumento al General Manuel Nicolás Savio (Buenos Aires) In Argentina: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is a monument dedicated to the famous Argentinean soldier, General Manuel Nicolás Savio. It was erected in 1951 in Buenos Aires and commemorates the hero's career and achievements during the Revolution of 1810. The monument is in the form of a large white marble sculpture of the General astride his horse, with a shield in his right hand and a saber in the left. The sculpture stands at the Plaza de Mayo, one of the most prestigious locations in the capital city. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Argentina
Prominent Features:

The Monumento al General Manuel Nicolás Savio (Buenos Aires) is a prominent monument located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was built in the mid-1960s to honor the memory of General Manuel Nicolás Savio, a prominent Argentine politician and military leader. The monument is composed of three main elements: a bronze sculpture of Savio, a granite base, and a large plaza with trees and benches. The plaza is surrounded by a decorative granite wall, and the structure stands in front of the Savio Square and Plazita de los Mártires Arena, two important public spaces in Buenos Aires. The monument is an important reminder of the life and legacy of General Manuel Nicolás Savio in Argentine history. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Argentina.


The Monumento al General Manuel Nicolás Savio is a memorial located in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The monument was built in 1925 to honor General Manuel Nicolás Savio (1833-1925). Savio was an Argentine military officer and politician who fought in a number of important battles in the Spanish-Argentine War (1807-1821) and the War of the Triple Alliance (1864-1870). He was also the first governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, serving from 1885 to 1889. The monument is located in the Plaza General Manuel Nicolás Savio in the Almagro neighborhood of Buenos Aires. It is made up of a bronze bust of Savio mounted on a tall granite pedestal and surrounded by four figures representing the four provinces of Argentina (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, and Tucumán). The monument was designed by the architect Alberto Prebisch and sculpted by Agustín Fernández. The monument was inaugurated on October 6, 1925 in a ceremony attended by President Marcelo T. de Alvear, legislature members, and other prominent figures. Since then, the plaza has been known for its important role in the city’s history. The site often sees demonstrations, marches, and other political rallies. It has also been the site for a number of important historical events, including the 1958 protest against President Frondizi’s anti-communist reforms and the 2002 memorial service for victims of the AMIA bombing. Today, the Monumento al General Manuel Nicolás Savio continues to have an important role in Buenos Aires. It serves as a reminder of the bravery and leadership of General Savio and serves as a symbol of Argentine nationalism and pride. Visit one of the famous monuments of Argentina with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Monument to General Manuel Nicolás Savio is one of Argentina's iconic monuments, located in the Parque Patricios in Buenos Aires. 2. It was unveiled by president Julio Roca in 1929 and is the work of sculptors Novembero Arata and José Fioravanti. 3. It features a 24 meter tall bronze statue of General Savio on a granite pedestal. 4. The monument was declared a national historic monument in 1986. 5. At its feet are the remains of fallen soldiers of the Army of the Andes,whose remains are held in a crypt beneath the statue. 6. On the opposite side of the statue are four figures representing the four main arms of the armed forces: Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines (infantry). 7. The monument has been the starting point for numerous military parades throughout the years, most notably the May 25, 1941 parade that marked the centennial of Argentina's independence. One of the historical monuments of Argentina, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Argentina most popular tourist destination with us. Monumento al General Manuel Nicolás Savio (Buenos Aires) In Argentina: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Argentina main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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