Christian Church of La Plata In Argentina: History,Facts, & Services

Christian Church of La Plata is a Church of Christ congregation located in La Plata, Maryland. The church was established in 1967 and currently has a membership of over 1,000. It is one of the best churches in Argentina which you must visit.


Christian Church of La Plata was founded in 1967 by members of the Church of Christ in La Plata, Md. The group was led by the senior minister, Dr. John T. Ogden, Jr. and its vision was to create a church in La Plata committed to the gospel. Over its five decades of existence, the church has grown and evolved, but still remains committed to its mission of glorifying God and making disciples. This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Argentina.


Here are some facts about the Christian Church of La Plata In Argentina: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Argentina
- Christian Church of La Plata is a multi-generational congregation with a weekly attendance of over 500. - The congregation is congregation-focused, with services centered around the Bible, personal and corporate worship, Bible study, and fellowship activities. - The church offers spiritual growth and support through ministries that provide opportunities for local and global outreach, education and service projects, leadership and resource development, as well as worship and Bible study.

The Christian Church of La Plata offers a variety of services and events to its members including: weekly worship services, Sunday school classes, mid-week Bible study groups, small groups, annual retreats for adults and children, leadership training, service projects and ministry teams. The church also has an active youth group and children's outreach program. In addition to these services and events, the church offers pastoral care and counseling, financial planning and help, and in-home visits with members who may need prayer or support.This beautiful church in Argentina has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Argentina most popular tourist destination with us. Christian Church of La Plata In Argentina: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Argentina main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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