Cachoeiras do Binga - Cuanza Sul In Angola: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Cachoeiras do Binga – Cuanza Sul is a set of protected cascading waterfalls located in the municipality of Sumbe, in the province of Cuanza Sul, Angola. Located on the banks of the Kwanza River, the waterfalls cascade down steep slopes for an impressive total of 500 meters. Nature enthusiasts will be rewarded with spectacular views of the region, cascading waterfalls plunging down into the river, and a huge variety of wildlife including panthers and elephants. The area also features lush vegetation and beautiful varieties of birds, making it a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Angola
Prominent Features:

1. Abundant Waterfalls: Cachoeiras do Binga is home to hundreds of beautiful waterfalls cascading from steep cliffs. The thundering falls are one of the primary attractions of this region, allowing visitors to explore the stunning cascades and take a refreshing dip in the cool waters below. 2. Historical Ruins: Cachoeiras do Binga is home to the ruins of an ancient settlement, believed to have been built during the 16th century. To this day, you can still explore the ruins of this fascinating ancient structure, allowing visitors to connect with a past era. 3. Ecotourism: With its vast vegetation, the Cachoeiras do Binga region is a paradise for ecotourism. Visitors can enjoy hikes, bird watching, and a variety of other activities that explore the region’s rich diversity of plants and animals. 4. Remote Setting: Located deep in the heart of Cuanza Sul province, visitors here will find themselves removed from the hustle and bustle of more urban regions. This remote setting provides an opportunity to really connect with nature and to engage with the local communities who call this region home. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Angola.


The town of Cachoeiras do Binga is one of the main towns in Cuanza Sul province in Angola. Located on the banks of the Binga river, which is a tributary of the Cuanza River, Cachoeiras do Binga has become a popular town due to its natural beauty and pleasant climate. Cachoeiras do Binga has a long history that dates back to the precolonial period. During the precolonial period, the historic kingdom of Ndongo was located in what is now Cuanza Sul province and the area of Cachoeiras do Binga likely had some form of settlement during this period. With the establishment of Portuguese colonial rule in Angola from the late 14th century, Cachoeiras do Binga began to develop as a trading center. During this period, the area was used for the production of goods, such as fishing, hunting, trade and transportation to the larger settlements of Benguela and Luanda. In the 19th century, the town underwent a period of expansion due to the construction of a new bridge over the Binga River in 1837. This bridge allowed for the transportation of goods from the town to the other cities and towns of Angola, and it led to increased trade and population growth. The town also began to develop as an area of tea, ginger, and palm oil productions. During the colonial period, Cachoeiras do Binga became a major trading hub for the province, and it rapidly grew in population. The town experienced a period of economic growth in the early 20th century, when it was served by a railway and saw trade with the nearby town of Cashi. However, the economic and social development of the town was disrupted by the civil war that plagued Angola from 1975 to 2002. During the conflict, the town was virtually destroyed by fighting between government forces and rebel groups. After the war ended, the town began to slowly recover, and it experienced a period of redevelopment with the help of the United Nations and non-governmental organizations. Today, Cachoeiras do Binga is an important agricultural and trading hub for the Cuanza Sul province, and it is home to many different local cultures and communities. The town is also becoming increasingly popular with tourists due to its beautiful natural setting and numerous outdoor activities. Visit one of the famous monuments of Angola with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Cachoeira do Binga is home to the highest waterfall in Angola, the Binga Waterfall. The falls are 185 metres (606 feet) in height. 2. The falls are located approximately 70 kilometres (44 miles) east of the provincial capital, Sumbe, on the Cuanza River, a tributary of the great Kwanza River. 3. Cachoeira do Binga is a nationally protected area, and has been proposed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, due to its ecological relevance. 4. The area around the falls is inhabited by various ethnic groups, including the Kimbundu, Ovimbundu, and Tchokwés peoples. 5. The falls are famous for their abundant wildlife, including rare species such as the giant otter, giant bird, giant sable antelope, Angolan dwarf crocodile, and various fish and birds. 6. In addition to its biodiversity, the falls are also known for their spectacular views, with lush vegetation and spectacular gorges. 7. The area is also a popular tourist destination, with the falls serving as the main attraction. Visitors can view the falls from the Cuanza River Bridge, located nearby. One of the historical monuments of Angola, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Angola most popular tourist destination with us. Cachoeiras do Binga - Cuanza Sul In Angola: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Angola main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Cuanza Sul, Angola Angola

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