Annaba Mosque In Algeria: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

Annaba Mosque in Algeria is one of the oldest in the country. It was built in the 11th century and completed in the 13th century. It is located in the province of El Oued, in the Annaba province of Algeria. The mosque is also known as the Annaba Grand Mosque or Masjid Annaba, and is considered a religious and historical site of importance in the region. The mosque is built in the traditional style of North African architecture. It has a large courtyard with a fountain and three small domes and several columns. The mosque’s prayer hall was restored in the late 19th century and is decorated with traditional North African mosaics and carved plaster designs. The mosque also contains the tomb of Sheikh Ahmed el-Mehdi, the founder of the Rifa'i Sufi order. The mosque is an important tourist attraction in the area and has been the site of many festivals and celebrations over the years. In recent years, the mosque has become a symbol of peace and religious tolerance in the country. It is also a popular destination for pilgrims, who come from all corners of the country to visit the holy site. It is one of the most famous mosque in Algeria which you must visit.


The Annaba Mosque was built in 1987 in Algeria. It is a modern mosque designed in a contemporary architectural style. Its exterior has an overall trapezoidal form and is composed mainly of concrete and glass walls, with the central dome made of concrete and three large mihrabs to the east. The design of the mosque was done by an Algerian architect named Farouk Belkaid. The interior of the mosque is decorated with intricate geometric patterns, with the main prayer hall featuring a large central dome of 52 meters in diameter. This dome is surrounded by smaller domes which all together form a huge space for worshipers to congregate. On each side of this central dome is a two-story building which functions as the mosque’s library, as well as providing additional space for the numerous classes of prayer regularly held in the mosque. The mosque also has a rooftop terrace which overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The visiting hours of Annaba Mosque in Algeria are from 6:00am - 7:00pm daily.
best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

The Annaba Mosque is located in Annaba, Algeria. The mosque is one of the most important religious sites in Algeria and attracts Muslims from all over the world. It is located in the city's Grand Mosque district. The mosque was originally built by Sultan Ahmed al-Amin in the 14th century and underwent several reconstructions and expansions over the centuries. The mosque is considered a symbol of Annaba and is one of the largest mosques in Algeria. The mosque is a three-storey building with a large central courtyard and a smaller one to its left. The interior features intricately carved wooden ceilings, marble pillars and stunning geometric designs. The Annaba Mosque is open for worshippers and tourists every day from 8am to 6pm. Those wishing to visit the mosque must adhere to the dress code of the mosque. Women are asked to cover their heads, arms and legs, and men are asked to wear long trousers. The nearby mosque of Sidi al-Amin is also worth a visit for its religious importance and architectural significance. It was constructed in the 15th century and has served as a major religious and cultural center in Annaba for centuries.
beautiful masjid.

Explore Algeria most popular tourist destination with us. Annaba Mosque In Algeria: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information,which is 0 km away from Algeria main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Annaba Algeria

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