Kouris Dam, Limassol: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Kouris Dam is one of the most popular attractions in Limassol, Cyprus. From its water-filled expanse that stretches to the horizon to its notorious horror stories, rich history, and paranomal activities that give its visitors the creeps - it's a destination for mysterious, dark, and thrilling events. Read on to learn about the notoriously haunted Kouris Dam.

Horror Story of Kouris Dam, Limassol
Once upon a time there was a small village on the edge of Kouris Dam in Limassol that was filled with a content people living on the edge of the water. One night, shortly after midnight, an eerie fog descended over the village. Strange noises and groans could be heard emerging from the dam.
The villagers were terrified and ran from their homes into the surrounding forest, where they hid until dawn. When morning came, the fog lifted and the villagers ventured down to the dam to investigate what had happened.
They found corpses strewn about the area and some of the villagers immediately recognized them as some of their own who had gone missing the night before. But the worst sight of all was the enormous shape of creature that had materialized from the dam and was now stalking the corpse-laden shoreline.
The creature had a head like that of a crocodile, a body of a giant snake, and huge wings like that of an eagle. It seemed to be searching for something, its sharp tracks leaving deep footprints as it went. After a few moments the creature seemed satisfied and flew away, leaving the villagers shouting in fear.
The tales of this creature, the mysterious 'Kouris Dam Monster', quickly spread far and wide. The story gained such infamy that local prose named it Potamokefalas, the river dragon. To this day, townsfolk claim to hear animalistic screams and growls coming from the dam after dark.
The village of Kouris Dam never truly recovered from the tragedy of the monster, and those who reside there still live in fear of it returning and wreaking havoc once again.Nowadays, the popularity of visiting the scariest places on Earth is increasing day by day.
History & Information of Kouris Dam, Limassol
The Kouris Dam is a major reservoir located in the Limassol District in Cyprus. It is an integral part of the Limassol Water Supply Scheme, and was completed in 1993. The dam stores water from the Kouris River and its tributaries, and provides water to inhabitants of Limassol, the Troodos Mountains, and other areas of the district.
The Kouris Dam is 104m high, with a total volume of 146 million cubic metres of water. The crest of the dam is 440m long. The maximum discharge of the dam is 240 cubic metres per second.
The dam is owned and operated by the Department of Water Development of the Republic of Cyprus. It is used for irrigation, hydroelectric power generation, flood control, drinking water supply, fisheries, recreation and tourism. Fishing is particularly popular at the dam, with a fish ladder provided for migrating fish. There are also walking trails and picnic areas around the lake.
The Kouris Dam has been very important for the Limassol district, providing much needed water to the mountainous areas of the region. It has a vital role in supporting local agriculture and the local fishing industry, and it provides energy for many businesses and homes.
Paranomial Activity of Kouris Dam, Limassol
Kouris Dam in Limassol is a popular spot for recreational activities. The dam, built in 1971, serves as a reservoir of water for towns along the southern coast of Cyprus and provides hydroelectric power for the region. Some of the activities available at the dam include swimming, fishing, biking, parasailing, and camping. Swimmers love the crystal clear waters of the Kouris River, with swimming lanes clearly marked off for leisurely swimming. Fishing has been popular here for many years, with plenty of Bass, Carp, and Chub to be found in the reservoir. Bicyclists find the many trails around the dam to be great for a leisurely or strenuous ride, while above the dam, parasailers have the chance to take in the stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Camping is also available near the dam, with several spots perfect for pitching a tent or parking an RV for the night.
Experience of people & Reviews of Kouris Dam, Limassol
Kouris Dam is a popular recreational site located near the city of Limassol in Cyprus. The dam is the largest in the country and is a popular destination for people of all ages. It is a great place to relax and enjoy the views of the surrounding area and the wildlife. There are a number of activities available such as fishing, walking, cycling, swimming, picnicking and more. People enjoy taking advantage of the large areas of open space and the natural beauty of the region.
The reviews of Kouris Dam are overwhelmingly positive. People have commented that the area is peaceful and relaxing, and a great way to spend time with family and friends. The dam is popular with both locals and tourists alike and is a great spot for fishing and enjoying nature. Many people have commented on the friendly staff and excellent facilities. Overall, people are very satisfied with the quality of the Kouris Dam experience.
FAQ'S of Kouris Dam, Limassol
, Cyprus
Q. Where is the Kouris Dam located?
A. The Kouris Dam is located in Limassol, Cyprus.
Q. Why was the Kouris Dam built?
A. The Kouris Dam was built to provide water to the nearby populations and to store and control the water in the surrounding area.
Q. How much water can the Kouris Dam hold?
A. The Kouris Dam has a capacity of 13.5 million cubic meters of water.
Q. When was the Kouris Dam built?
A. The Kouris Dam was built in 2000-2002.
Q. Can I visit the Kouris Dam?
A. Yes, you can visit the Kouris Dam but you must contact the local authorities for information on visiting and accessing the site.

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