Tarkwa Bay - Lagos: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Tarkwa Bay is a small island located in the Lagos Lagoon, in the outskirts of the metropolitan city of Lagos. It is an isolated area that has had its fair share of horror stories, historical moments and paranormal activities. In this blog, we will explore the spine-chilling tales and mysterious history of Tarkwa Bay.

Horror Story of Tarkwa Bay - Lagos
Long ago, the small town of Tarkwa Bay in Lagos Nigeria had a secret, no one dared speak of. It was the home to something dark and powerful - an ancient evil that had resided in the bay for centuries.
The locals tended to stay away from the shores of the bay, in fear of whatever lurked in the depths. It was said that those who stepped into the water could experience strange and unexplainable sensations. Some people said they felt a cold chill, almost as if the spirits within the bay had reached out to touch them with icy fingers.
Others reported visions of far away places, places that didn't exist in the Bay, as if they had gone somewhere else. But whatever it was that the bay released, it was enough to make the villagers steer clear.
One night, a group of travellers arrived in Tarkwa Bay looking for a place to spend the night. However, even they stayed away from the bay, preferring to camp further inland instead.
Early in the morning, one of the travellers was found dead on the banks. It was clear he had gone swimming and had been snatched away by something unknown from the depths. The others quickly packed their bags and left, never to return.
Since then, the town has remained shrouded in its dark secrets. Some believe that the bay is still haunted by the vile creature that lurks within it. Whenever people venture too close to the water, the locals fear the same fate could befall them, as if an ancient and insidious evil is still watching.
History & Information of Tarkwa Bay - Lagos
Tarkwa Bay is a picturesque beach located in the Lagos Mainland area of Nigeria. Situated just a few miles from the popular Victoria Island, the bay has played an important role in Lagos’s maritime history.
The waters of Tarkwa Bay are known for their calmness and clarity, making it a popular spot for swimming, sailing, and other recreational activities. The bay has a long history as a regional fishing base for local peoples, and is sometimes referred to as “Old Lagos Harbour.”
The area around Tarkwa Bay is also home to several important colonial sites, including the historic port of Tin Saco and the massive fort of Lagos. The fort was constructed by the British in the late 19th century and was used to defend the city from invasions and raids.
Tarkwa Bay is one of the most popular spots for tourists in Lagos, and offers a variety of activities including boat trips to the uninhabited islands in the bay, sunbathing along its shores, and diving and snorkeling excursions in the waters. The beauty of the area has led to the development of a number of resort and hotel complexes in recent years.
Paranomial Activity of Tarkwa Bay - Lagos
Tarkwa Bay is a popular destination for beach-goers and various activities in the Laogos region of Nigeria. It is an estuary that forms the northern portion of Lagos Lagoon, and lies beyond the mainland. The bay is surrounded by natural coral reefs and stunning white sand beaches. Activities offered in the area include beach sports, swimming, kayaking, sailing, windsurfing, and jet skiing. Snorkeling and scuba diving are also available in Tarkwa Bay—perfect for getting up close and personal with the colorful marine life. Additionally, fishing is a popular activity in the area and can be done from the shore or out on the water. Of course, there are plenty of places to relax and soak up the sun, with beach bars and restaurants plentiful in the area.
The natural coral reef is home to vibrant marine life, including a variety of bright and colorful fish and coral formations. It is a popular area for recreational fishing, both from the shoreline and out on a boat. Fishing enthusiasts can find plenty of fish to target in the waters around Tarkwa Bay, including red snapper, barracuda, grouper, and many other species. Deep-sea fishing can be arranged with charters at the nearby Lagos Marina, offering a fun and memorable experience.
Tarkwa Bay is full of activities for any and all who are looking for a relaxing and action-packed day out. Beach sports, swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing, jet skiing, sailing, and windsurfing are all available to enjoy. It's the perfect spot for those looking to explore, relax, and reconnect with nature.
Experience of people & Reviews of Tarkwa Bay - Lagos
Tarkwa Bay is a beach located close to Bar Beach in Lagos, Nigeria. It is known for its stunning white-sand beaches and crystal-clear waters. It is a popular spot for tourists, especially those interested in taking part in water-based activities. Many visitors have commented on its beauty and noted that the beach is generally clean and well-maintained. Visitors also mention that the vibrant and friendly atmosphere of the beach makes it a great place to spend time and relax. People also mention that the safety at Tarkwa Bay is top-notch and that the staff members are very helpful and accommodating.
FAQ'S of Tarkwa Bay - Lagos
Q: What kind of activities can I do at Tarkwa Bay?
A: At Tarkwa Bay, you can enjoy a variety of activities such as swimming in the lagoon, fishing, jet skiing, boat cruising, sunbathing, beach volleyball, and even a variety of other water sports.
Q: Is there any accommodation available at Tarkwa Bay?
A: Yes, there are a few accommodation options available at Tarkwa Bay. These include hotels, guesthouses, and resorts.
Q: Is Tarkwa Bay safe?
A: Yes, it is generally a safe area due to the presence of security personnel. However, as with any beach or lagoon, swimming and boating should only be done when accompanied by a lifeguard or other experienced person.
Q: Are there any restrictions at Tarkwa Bay?
A: Yes, there are a few restrictions at Tarkwa Bay such as no pets allowed, no littering or dumping, no intoxicants, and no nudity.Among the top 10 most haunted places in the world, this haunted house is one of the scariest.

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