Nové Město nad Metují Castle: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Nestled in the rolling hills of the Czech countryside, the Nové Město nad Metují Castle is a sprawling fortress shrouded in mystery. It has long been the subject of eerie tales and paranormal activities. Discover its dark past and journey through horror stories from the 15th century to the present day.

Horror Story of Nové Město nad Metují Castle
Nové Město nad Metují Castle, once a proud seat of an ancient noble family, has been tucked away in the Czech countryside for centuries. It is said that a terrible curse was placed on the castle by a priest from a nearby village after the family refused to build a new church. To this day, no one has been able to break the curse and tales of ghosts and strange occurrences are whispered by locals.
The castle is said to echo with eerie noises at night, and locals have reported seeing lights and shadows bouncing along its hallways. Experienced travelers may even catch a glimpse of an apparition playing an old organ in a top floor balcony, all while their skin prickles with cold chills.
Those who are brave enough to enter Nové Město nad Metují are advised to take caution, as ancient spirits may still wander the castle walls and those who disturb them can expect dire consequences.
History & Information of Nové Město nad Metují Castle
Nové Město nad Metují Castle (German: Burg Annaburg) is a Gothic castle which is located in the town of Nové Město nad Metují in the Czech Republic. It was built in the 13th century which was then a Czech fortress and the residence of a feudal prince. The castle was a meeting place of the Taborites, a religious sect influenced by Jan Hus, during the 15th century.
In 1623, the castle was beset by the armies of the Catholic League and it was been occupied by the bishops of Olomouc until 1921. In 1921, the castle was returned to the jednota (a lay organisation) and was restored to its original condition. During the late 1950s, the castle was rebuild to its current condition.
Today, the castle is open to the public as a museum and it houses various artifacts from the Middle Ages. It also offers different activities such as archery, fencing lessons, and guided tours. There are also two restaurants located inside the castle which offer traditional Czech cuisine.After the mysterious death, this place is declared haunted.
Paranomial Activity of Nové Město nad Metují Castle
Nové Město nad Metují Castle was built in the 16th century as a defensive outpost for the region around Nové Město. Its strategic position on a hill overlooking the Metuje river made it an important part of the fortifications of the area. During the Thirty Years War, the castle played an important role in defending the region from Hapsburg forces and protecting the neighboring town of Nové Město from sieges. It was also used as a garrison fort for Czech and Protestant soldiers. The castle has a rich history and is an important symbol of Czechoslovakian national identity, having served as a strategic point during the Czechoslovak War of Independence. Today, the castle is a popular place for tourists to visit, as it offers beautiful views of the surrounding countryside and provides a glimpse into the past. The castle also features a small café that serves meals and snacks, making it a great spot for a picnic.
Experience of people & Reviews of Nové Město nad Metují Castle
The town of Nové Město nad Metují is a pleasant surprise of truly Czech charm and a picturesque castle. From our first viewpoint overlooking the town with the castle dominating the horizon, we knew we had to visit. Wandering the wide open town square, filled with local restaurants and stores, we felt a peaceful atmosphere that was a nice change of pace from the hustle and bustle of Prague.
We found the castle up a steep hill from the town square and when we reached the gate, we were awe-struck at the amazing views over the town and surrounding countryside. We were also happy to find out that the castle was open for tours and for exploring the grounds. It was definitely worth the visit - you could easily spend a very enjoyable day there, learning interesting things about the history of the castle and discovering the walkways and gardens around the buildings and grounds.
The castle itself was beautifully preserved, with many places of interest, including the library, old kitchen and chapel. The bright green lawns and surrounding flower beds made lovely pictures. We took a turn around the walls and the bastions, and took in some marvelous views over the Metují.
Overall, we would definitely recommend a visit to the Špilberk castle in Nové Město nad Metují. The views are spectacular, the grounds are interesting and well kept, and the whole place just has a unique atmosphere that's a nice break from city life. We had an enjoyable day here, and would recommend it to anyone looking for a unique and interesting day out.Are you excited to explore places filled with mysteries? If yes, then you have arrived at the right place.
FAQ'S of Nové Město nad Metují Castle
Q: What is Nové Město nad Metují Castle?
A: Nové Město nad Metují Castle is a castle in the Czech Republic which was built in the 14th century. It is located near the town of Nové Město nad Metují.
Q: How much does it cost to enter the castle?
A: An adult ticket costs 50 Czech Korunas, and a discounted ticket for children, students, and seniors costs 40 Czech Korunas.
Q: What can visitors do at the castle?
A: Visitors can explore the museum, tour the historic rooms, and visit the castle's garden. There are also activities like concerts, theater pieces, and interactive tours available during the tourist season.
Q: Is the castle open year-round?
A: Yes, the castle is open all year round except for some holidays.
Q: Is there an audio or guided tour available?
A: Yes, audio and guided tours of the castle are available every day from 10 am to 5 pm.This is the must-visit mystery place in the world.

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