Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

For many, Lagos Island Maternity Hospital is a dark and haunting place. What was once a busy and bustling hospital, it now stands eerily quiet and is often associated with horrific tales of hauntings, hauntings of the supernatural and paranomial activities. But what is the real story behind this hospital? Read on to find out!

Horror Story of Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos
It was the sound of cries and sorrow that first drew her attention to the old, forgotten building known as Lagos Island Maternity Hospital. As she ventured closer, she could make out the faint whimpering sound in the night air.
The old hospital was said to be cursed. Many spoke of a ghastly figure that roamed its halls at night, picking off pregnant women one by one. Legend spoke of a vengeful ghost who cursed the hospital and murdered all those unfortunate souls that tried to deliver their child.
But, despite the screaming warnings from her friends, the young woman was determined to investigate the hospital herself and laid down for the night.
She fell into a uneasy slumber and was suddenly awoken by the sound of an infant crying. Following the cries, she stumbled upon a grizzly sight. A woman who by all accounts should have been in the depths of labor was dead, her stomach split open and her newborn baby crying in the middle of a pool of its mother’s blood.
That was when she saw it. Floating above the baby was a figure in white, its glowing red eyes staring back at her. She screamed in terror as it approached and spoke in a voice so cold it sent chills down her spine.
“Welcome to Lagos Island Maternity Hospital,” it declared. “You are the latest addition to my family.”
The woman screamed and ran for the door. As she escaped the hospital grounds, she heard the spectral figure’s cold laughter echoing in her ears.
Though she never returned to the cursed hospital, she never stopped warning others to stay away and the horror of Lagos Island Maternity Hospital became the stuff of legend.In case you are wondering whether there are any haunted places near me, there might be if you observe deeply.
History & Information of Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos
The Lagos Island Maternity Hospital is one of the oldest maternity hospitals in Lagos, Nigeria. The hospital was founded in 1917 to provide basic obstetric and newborn care for expectant mothers in Lagos. The hospital has since been expanded and upgraded to provide a full range of services including antenatal and postnatal care, family planning, antenatal classes, and other specialized services to meet the health needs of mothers and babies in the area.
The Lagos Island Maternity Hospital currently offers a wide range of services including antenatal care, labor and delivery, postpartum care, family planning, ultrasound, laboratory, and other specialized services. The hospital also offers modern medical equipment and technology for these services.
The hospital is staffed by experienced doctors, nurses, midwives, and support staff who are committed to providing quality care to mothers and babies. The hospital also offers educational and support services to mothers for the safe delivery of their babies.
The Lagos Island Maternity Hospital is committed to providing affordable, high-quality healthcare to the parents in the community. The hospital works with several public and private insurance companies to ensure that children have access to the healthcare they need.
The hospital is affiliated with the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital and has collaborated with numerous organizations and agencies over the years to enhance its services and education programs. The Lagos Island Maternity Hospital is fully accredited by the National Health Regulatory Commission of Nigeria.People who have already visited this place will tell you the tale of their most haunted experiences.
Paranomial Activity of Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos
1. Lagos Island Maternity Hospital (LIMH) provides quality antenatal and postnatal services in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
2. LIMH offers highly skilled personnel and modern medical equipment, providing antenatal and postnatal care, ultrasound scans, advanced routine consultations and specialized care for high risk pregnancies.
3. Experienced obstetricians and midwives assist in giving mothers the best care during pre and post delivery stages.
4. Maternal and infant health related assessments and counseling are given to ensure that expectant mothers are prepared for labor, birth and early parenting.
5. LIMH educates parents on newborn care, including breastfeeding, vaccination and immunization.
6. LIMH offers a range of birthing packages, including natural birthing, water birth, midwifery care and home delivery.
7. LIMH also deals with emergency cases and offers convenient family-centered birthing experiences.
8. High risk pregnancies are monitored closely by specialists and other hospital staff, providing the best possible care.
9. LIMH provides quality aftercare services such as postnatal assessments, postnatal counseling and follow ups with the new baby and mom.
10. LIMH has a well-equipped neonatal care unit where babies are monitored for any health issues.
11. LIMH also offers child immunization services and offers regular health checks for mothers and babies.In case you are wondering whether there are any haunted places near me, there might be if you observe deeply.
Experience of people & Reviews of Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos
People generally have had great experiences at the Lagos Island Maternity Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria. Reviews on websites such as Google and Facebook highlight the quality of care people have received and how friendly and helpful the staff members are. The hospital is well maintained and the wards are kept up to date and clean. People have praised the doctors and nurses saying that they are very knowledgeable and helpful. Many have also mentioned the hospital’s policy of providing free care and medicine to lower-income families. People also praised the hospital’s accessibility and the convenient location. Overall, the hospital has received a generally positive response with people commending the quality of care offered.
FAQ'S of Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos
Q1. What services does the Lagos Island Maternity Hospital offer?
A1. The Lagos Island Maternity Hospital offers comprehensive prenatal and postnatal care services, as well as labor and delivery services.
Q2. Where is the Lagos Island Maternity Hospital located?
A2. The Lagos Island Maternity Hospital is located at 16/18 Barnett Street, Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria.
Q3. Is there a cost for the services offered at the Lagos Island Maternity Hospital?
A3. Yes, the Lagos Island Maternity Hospital does charge a fee for the services they provide. However, you may be eligible for discounts and subsidies depending on your financial situation.
Q4. What should I expect during a visit to the Lagos Island Maternity Hospital?
A4. During a visit, you can expect quality care from experienced and compassionate health care professionals. You will also be given informational brochures and resources on pregnancy and postnatal health.
Q5. Does the Lagos Island Maternity Hospital offer any childcare services?
A5. Yes, the Lagos Island Maternity Hospital has a nursery for newborns who are admitted into the hospital. Parents can expect quality and attentive care for their baby during their stay.Among the top 10 most haunted places in the world, this haunted house is one of the scariest.

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