Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn, Heredia: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Have you ever heard the horror stories behind Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn located in Heredia, Costa Rica? From paranormal activity to dark histories, this plantation has seen it all. Are you brave enough to find out more?

Horror Story of Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn, Heredia
, Costa Rica
As Juanita arrived at the Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn in Heredia, Costa Rica, she felt a chill, despite the warmth of the afternoon sun. She had come from the bustling city of San Jose in search of a peaceful getaway. The lush hills and inviting building inspired a sense of calm in her.
But as she explored the property, she started to notice signs of something strange.The inn-keeper seemed a little too eager to show her the premises. When he dropped her off at her room, he made sure to mention particular windows and doors as if he had a hidden agenda.
Later that night, Juanita opened some of the windows to let in a cool night breeze. Suddenly, she heard what sounded like a woman's laughter coming from outside. She looked out to see the ghostly figure of a woman dressed in white standing in the garden.
As the figure slowly started to move towards her, Juanita started to feel sick. She quickly shut the window and went to bed, her heart racing and her mind a flurry of questions.
The next morning, Juanita asked the innkeeper what kind of place she had stumbled upon, and he finally revealed the disturbing truth: many years ago, a woman had drowned in one of the plantation's ponds, and her spirit was said to haunt the grounds. The locals believed that those who stayed in the plantation overnight would be cursed by the woman's spirit and suffer an untimely death.
Juanita immediately packed her bags and made a swift escape from the Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation. She never returned, but she has never been able to shake the memory of the deathly laughter from that fateful night.
History & Information of Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn, Heredia
Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn is a luxury eco-resort located in Heredia, Costa Rica, that offers acres of lush rainforest and a sustainable agricultural environment. A symbol of the commitment to sustainability, Finca Rosa Blanca is one of the few hot properties in the world that is certified by the Rainforest Alliance, an organization that promotes the responsible management of tropical forests.
Finca Rosa Blanca began its life as a family-owned coffee finca in 1979. Since then, the finca has seen many changes. In 1990, the owners decided to take advantage of the region’s stunning scenery and created a hotel and inn, offering guests an opportunity to experience the best of Costa Rica.
In the 2000s, the family began to incorporate sustainable practices into their operations. They eliminated the use of chemical fertilizers, began using organic compost for their plants, and employed the use of solar energy.
The owners also began cultivating new fairy tale–like gardens that showcased some of the country’s most stunning and exotic plants. In 2007, the finca was awarded certification from the Rainforest Alliance for its commitment to conservation, community engagement, and economic sustainability.
Today, Finca Rosa Blanca continues to be a leader in sustainable hospitality. Guests can expect luxurious amenities, delicious local cuisine, and exceptional service. They can also participate in a variety of educational tours exploring the unique flora and fauna of the area, as well as partake in activities such as birdwatching, white-water rafting, and horseback riding.
The finca’s commitment to sustainability ensures that each guest will have an unforgettable experience that will help to preserve the beauty and culture of Costa Rica.
Paranomial Activity of Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn, Heredia
The Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn is a premier eco-tourism destination in Heredia, Costa Rica. Located approximately 30 minutes from busy San José and nestled in a small valley at the foot of the picturesque Barva Volcano, Finca Rosa Blanca offers visitors the chance to stay in private, luxury cabins amidst a working organic coffee plantation.
Finca Rosa Blanca offers many activities onsite, such as organic coffee tour, culinary classes, horseback riding, zip-lining, and trivio, a four sided game that is unique to the area. For educational pursuits, Finca Rosa Blanca also offers classes and workshops in everything from beekeeping and permaculture to photography and sustainability.
Finca Rosa Blanca also promotes ecotourism by offering the opportunity to stay closely connected to nature, protecting the local environment, and supporting the surrounding community. They are committed to sustainable practices, using solar energy and biodegradable cleaning products to keep their carbon footprint to a minimum. Finca Rosa Blanca also supports local initiatives, such as volunteering for clean-up projects and donating resources to local schools.
At Finca Rosa Blanca, visitors will find an abundance of activities that promote ecotourism, sustainable practices, and participation in local projects for the benefit of the surrounding community. Guests can indulge in nature-driven experiences while also knowing that their stay is contributing to the betterment of the Heredia landscape.
Experience of people & Reviews of Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn, Heredia
Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn is a luxury resort and eco-friendly inn located in the Central Valley region of Heredia, Costa Rica. The inn is known for its sustainability practices, its exceptional amenities, and its luxurious cabins. Guests have consistently praised the hotel for its beautiful setting, friendly staff, delicious food, and comfortable accommodations. Guests who have stayed at the inn have reported their overall experience as being amazing. Many guests mention that they were impressed with the stunning views from their cabin, as well as the abundance of activities and amenities available. The restaurant also received high praise, with guests noting the deliciousness of the food and the quality of service. Some reviewers remarked that the coffee-tasting experience offered at the inn was among the best they have ever experienced. Overall, guests have left highly positive reviews of their experience at Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn.
FAQ'S of Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn, Heredia
Q: What amenities are offered at Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn?
A: Finca Rosa Blanca offers luxurious accommodations, gourmet meals made with fresh ingredients from the garden, and many outdoor activities for guests to enjoy, such as ziplining, horseback riding, bird watching and hiking.
Q: Is there Wifi available at Finca Rosa Blanca?
A: Yes, Finca Rosa Blanca provides free WiFi throughout the property.
Q: Are there any nearby attractions to the Finca Rosa Blanca?
A: Yes, there is a variety of attractions nearby, including the La Paz Waterfall Gardens, Butterfly Gardens, Doka coffee plantation, and the artisan villages of Sarchí and Grecia.
Q: What payment methods are accepted at Finca Rosa Blanca?
A: Finca Rosa Blanca accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and PayPal.

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