Ba Vi National Park - Hanoi: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Ba Vi National Park near the city of Hanoi is a place full of secrets and stories, ranging from horror, history, and paranormal activities. Located just 30 miles from the capital city, explore a world hidden deep inside the remote jungles and experience the beauty, mystery, and darkness of Vietnam’s oldest and largest national park.

Horror Story of Ba Vi National Park - Hanoi
There was once a small village nestled in the sleepy mountains of Ba Vi National Park in Hanoi. It was a peaceful and tranquil place, full of lush green trees and clear running streams.
But within the park dwelt an ancient evil that the villagers had lived in fear of for centuries: an ancient spirit known as the Lady of Ba Vi. She was said to haunt the park at night, using her wicked powers to manipulate, ensnare and lure unsuspecting visitors to the park, never to be seen again. It was said that the only way to protect oneself was to never visit the park at night.
One day, a group of brave adventurers decided to explore the park. They quickly reached the forest’s heart and despite warnings, they visited it late one evening. All was silent until a loud scream suddenly pierced the dead of night. Fearing the worst, the travelers rushed towards the source of the noise, only to discover the Lady of Ba Vi!
The villagers, terrified, told stories about the trails of blood leading away from the park. The group had seen enough, and quickly fled for their lives - but not before being told one last thing: “Do not speak of what you have seen here tonight… lest the Lady of Ba Vi come after you.”
To this day, the stories of the Lady of Ba Vi linger, as a warning to anyone foolish enough to venture into the park at night.
History & Information of Ba Vi National Park - Hanoi
Ba Vi National Park is a protected area located about 80 kilometres from the capital city of Hanoi, Vietnam. It covers an area of 3,207 hectares and contains a variety of ecosystems such as tropical evergreen forest, Indo-Chinese dry-subtropical forest, and montane forest. It also includes two mountains, Ba Vi Mountain and Bao Thien Mountain, with the highest peak being over 1,000 metres.
The park was established in 1966 and is one of the nation’s most important protected areas. It is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, including rare species such as black bears, grey-shanked douc langurs, and grey-rumped treeswifts. Over 200 species of birds and 40 species of mammals have been reported in the park, as well as hundreds of species of plants, including the important medicinal plants Terminalia bellirica, Polyalthia cerasoides, and Bambusa arundinacea.
Ba Vi National Park is a popular destination for eco-tourists, with tourist activities centred around exploring the park’s natural attractions. Hiking, camping, bird watching, and trekking are all popular activities, and there are several attractions within the park, such as the Tan Vien Mountain Temple, the Mo Trach Cave, and the Ngoc Hoa waterfall. The park is also a great place to find hikes and trails that range from easy strolls to challenging treks. Visitors can also experience the local culture for a truly unique experience.
In addition to its natural beauty, Ba Vi National Park also offers exceptional biodiversity. As a result, it has been included on the list of the world’s most important biodiversity hotspots, and is recognised under the Ramsar Convention as a Wetland of International Importance. In 1998, the park was recognised by UNESCO as a Man and Biosphere Reserve. It is also listed in Vietnam’s Heritage Sites.One of the most haunted places in the world, this place is filled with mystery
Paranomial Activity of Ba Vi National Park - Hanoi
1. Eco-Tourism: Ba Vi National Park provides an excellent setting for eco-tourism activities such as birdwatching, trekking, mountain biking, canopy walks and zip lining adventures.
2. Conservation: Ba Vi National Park actively involves the local communities in conservation activities, such as providing support for environmental education programs, planting trees, and preserving local species.
3. Research activities: Various research activities are conducted in the park to collect data for conservation purposes and to understand the impacts of climate change on the park and its species.
4. Festival Celebrations: Ba Vi National Park often hosts special festival celebrations to promote environmental awareness and promote the park’s biodiversity.
5. Education: The park regularly organizes educational events and activities for visitors, as well as local school trips, to encourage knowledge-sharing and an appreciation of nature.One of the most haunted places in the world, this place is filled with mystery
Experience of people & Reviews of Ba Vi National Park - Hanoi
People who have been to Ba Vi National Park in Hanoi often comment on the stunning natural beauty of the area. The winding road leading up to the park, the lush vegetation, and the spectacular views of the city below make for a rewarding and unforgettable experience. It is said to be a great place for a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Reviewers praise the park for its expansive selection of trails that weave through the mountainside. The trails are well maintained and offer a range of difficulty levels. There are also ample areas to take a break and enjoy the views as well as benches and picnic spots. Additionally, the bird and wildlife are abundant in the park, making it a great place for wildlife enthusiasts.
Although many people say the entrance fee can be higher than other parks, they agree that the fees are worth it, given the sheer number of activities they can partake in. Adventurous visitors can take on various activities such as single-track mountain biking, rock climbing, ziplining, and hiking.
Overall, Ba Vi National Park is a picturesque and enjoyable spot for those wanting to take time out to admire nature and get their hearts racing with some adventure activities.Have you ever explored horror places in the world? If not, then you can explore now.
FAQ'S of Ba Vi National Park - Hanoi
Q: How large is Bái Tử Long National Park?
A: Bái Tử Long National Park covers an area of 38,892 hectares and includes the area of the Bái Tử Long Nature Reserve.
Q: What activities can be done in the national park?
A: Visitors can enjoy a variety of activities at Bái Tử Long National Park, such as hiking, camping, birdwatching, and exploring caves.
Q: What is the best time to visit?
A: April through October are generally the best times to visit Bái Tử Long National Park.
Q: Is there a fee to enter the park?
A: Yes, there is a fee to enter the park. The fee comes in two parts: a ticket fee and an entrance fee. The ticket fee is 30,000 VND (1.3$) for adults and 20,000 VND for children. The entrance fee is 200,000 VND (8.6$).
Q: Is there an accommodation option at the park?
A: Yes, there is a small guesthouse inside the park that provides rooms and meals.If you are searching for horror places in the world then you have arrived at the right time.

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