Woody Point Lighthouse - Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

The Woody Point Lighthouse in Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador is rich with both history and legends of the paranormal. It has been haunted since the late 1800's by several spirits, and has had bizarre events occur, which untold horror stories have been made about. Explore here the folklore and spine-tingling past of this local hot spot.

Horror Story of Woody Point Lighthouse - Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador
The year was 1913, and the small fishing community of Woody Point, Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador had been buzzing with tales of a spectre residing in the abandoned Woodward Point lighthouse. All the fishermen had been avoiding their usual nighttime voyage and instead staying indoors and telling stories about the mysterious phantom that had been seen lurking around the lighthouse. The story went that the phantom was the spirit of Captain Watson, an old sea captain who supposedly met his end in the lighthouse one stormy night in the 1800s.
One night, some of the more bold and daring fishermen of the town decided to brave the lighthouse and confront the phantom for themselves. They made their way to the lighthouse, and after ascending the tall and winding staircase they found the inside covered in thick cobwebs and cobwebs. As they explored the lighthouse, they heard strange and unearthly noises coming from all around them. The noise grew louder as they got closer to the top of the stairs, almost as if the phantom was getting more agitated with their presence.
The fishermen made it to the top of the stairs and, as they peered into the darkness, they were startled to find the figure of an old sea captain, brass buttons gleaming in the moonlight, standing right before them. They were frozen in shock and fear but, as the spectre gazed upon them, it slowly raised its arm and pointed a long, bony finger towards them. All of a sudden they felt a strange and horrible chill race through their bodies, and in the next instance, the spectre was gone, leaving a scorching wake of heat and light in its wake.
The fishermen quickly ran downstairs and left the lighthouse, hearing the phantom’s laughter echoing through the night all the way back to shore. From that day forward, no fisherman dared venture back to the Woody Point lighthouse, for they were certain that the spirit of Captain Watson was still lurking within its walls.Nowadays, the popularity of visiting the scariest places on Earth is increasing day by day.
History & Information of Woody Point Lighthouse - Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador
The Woody Point Lighthouse, first established in 1870, is located in the historic fishing village of Woody Point in Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador. The lighthouse was constructed to aid mariners passing through Bonne Bay by providing them with a more secure route for navigation. The site of the lighthouse tower is one of the oldest in the northern region of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Originally, the lighthouse structure was made from wood and supported with an oil lamp at the top. It was not until 1961 when the structure of the light was replaced with the steel one that stands today. The structure of the tower is cylindrical in shape and is painted white, standing at 25 feet.
The lighthouse is auto-operated and provides guidance to both recreational and commercial ships through Bonne Bay. Its active light beam includes a white, fixed light that is visible for seven nautical miles (13 km). The light automatically illuminates at dusk and extinguishes at dawn.
The Lighthouse is managed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and is still an active aid to navigation in 2020. The site is an open one and visitors are welcome to view the lighthouse from shore.
Woody Point Lighthouse is a striking and beloved landmark in the nearby community, and is an important reminder of the area's rich seafaring history.In case you are wondering whether there are any haunted places near me, there might be if you observe deeply.
Paranomial Activity of Woody Point Lighthouse - Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador
The Woody Point Lighthouse is located in Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. This historical landmark is still standing today, and is a beloved local landmark. The lighthouse was designed and built in the early 1800s, and its original purpose was to guide mariners along the coast. Although the light has since been automated, the lighthouse is still listed amongst the top historical sites to visit in the area.
The lighthouse is currently owned and cared for by the Town of Woody Point and is available for visitors to tour. Visitors can get a close up look at its iconic white-and-red light tower and they can also explore the interior of the lighthouse. The lighthouse is also used for various community activities, such as wedding photos and special events. The light still continues to shine at night to provide a beacon of safety for those navigating the waters along Bonne Bay.
The lighthouse is a popular spot for recreational activities such as photography and hiking. There are many trails around the area that provide spectacular views of the lighthouse and the surrounding area. Wildlife such as bald eagles can frequently be seen soaring in the skies around the area.
The Woody Point Lighthouse is a cherished part of the Newfoundland and Labrador community, and it continues to be enjoyed by visitors and local residents alike. It has been lovingly preserved and cared for over the years and stands as a testament to the region’s maritime history.
Experience of people & Reviews of Woody Point Lighthouse - Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador
The Woody Point Lighthouse in Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador is a cherished landmark that many visitors never miss out on while visiting this part of the province. People have described it as being a “beautiful piece of heritage” that’s “well worth the visit.” Tourists appreciate the excellent views that can be seen from the top of the lighthouse, with the harbor, sea, and nearby hills providing magnificent scenery. The lighthouse itself is also admired for its classic design and history, with stories of shipwrecks being told while visiting.
People have also noted that it’s a fun spot for fishing, with rocky outcroppings providing plenty of places to cast a line. There’s also plenty of space to sit, relax, and watch the boats go by in the harbor. Many visitors make sure to explore the nearby village as well, walking along the streets and admiring the colorful houses and friendly locals.
Overall, visitors to the Woody Point Lighthouse in Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador are usually impressed by their experience and find it a must-see spot while in the area. People can’t help but marvel at the sweeping views, bask in the history of the place, and enjoy the small-town lifestyle of the nearby village.
FAQ'S of Woody Point Lighthouse - Bonne Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador
Q. What type of lighthouse is the Woody Point Lighthouse?
A. The Woody Point Lighthouse is an active 19-metre tall (63 feet) conical, cast iron lighthouse, located on the south side of Guide Island, in the sheltered harbour of Bonne Bay, NL.
Q. How was Woody Point Lighthouse first established?
A. The lighthouse was built in 1876, as a result of increased shipping traffic due to the fisheries.
Q. Is Woody Point Lighthouse open to the public?
A. Yes, northern Lighthouse tours offer all year access to this beautiful lighthouse and the community of Woody Point.
Q. How far is the lighthouse from other major Newfoundland attractions?
A. The lighthouse is located approximately 4 hours away from St. John's and 2 hours from the popular Gros Morne National Park.
Q. What activities are available at the Woody Point Lighthouse?
A. The Woody Point Lighthouse offers a variety of activities for all ages, including walking tours, boat tours, historical exhibits, and interpretive programming.There are many mystery places in the world and this is one of them.

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