Ross Bay Cemetery - Victoria, British Columbia: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Ross Bay Cemetery in Victoria, British Columbia is a historical landmark that dates back to 1873. It houses a horror story, a rich history, and tales of paranormal activities. For those who dare to venture into its crypts and halls, a unique experience awaits.

Horror Story of Ross Bay Cemetery - Victoria, British Columbia
Cold and silent, the night hung heavy in the air, the fog so thick that visibility was nearly zero. It was the perfect time for him. He had been preparing for this all day and he knew it was going to be a success by the time he reached his destination, Ross Bay Cemetery in Victoria, British Columbia.
Unbeknownst to most, this graveyard was said to be cursed. Tales had circulated about a mysterious group of hooded figures that roamed the gravesites at night, and the eerie howling that could be heard echoing throughout the trees. Whether it was just urban legend or something more sinister, none could be sure.
He crept through the shadows cautiously as he made his way towards the entrance. He had heard stories about how the gates to the graveyard opened and closed on their own late at night, and he was not about to take any chances. As he finally reached the entrance, he grabbed the latch and pushed it open, slipping inside quickly.
Once he was in, it felt like he was in another world entirely. The air was thick and heavy with the energy of the dead. He could feel his hands trembling as his boots sunk into the wet grass and his heart began to race. Every sound he heard seemed to go in slow motion, and the fear he was feeling seemed to increase with every passing second.
Suddenly, he heard a faint whisper coming from the corner of the graveyard. His heart beat faster as he made his way closer to the source of the sound. As he rounded the corner, he saw an altar surrounded by a circle of hooded figures, their faces hidden in the darkness of night. They were chanting something in an old language, their voices growing louder and more intense as he drew closer.
He knew he had to get out immediately, so he started to back away slowly. Just as he was about to make his retreat, however, one of the hooded figures stepped forward and blocked his path. He was so shaken that he could hardly move, let alone utter a single word. And then the figure spoke. "This is a sacred place, and you are not welcome here."
He spun around and ran for his life, not looking back until he was out of the cemetery, until he had reached the safety of his car. He never wanted to return to the graveyard, but he knew he would never forget the horror he had witnessed that night. Ross Bay Cemetery, for all its mysteries, was a place of dread and fear that he would never forget.Its architecture dates back to the 80s and is considered one of the scariest places on Earth
History & Information of Ross Bay Cemetery - Victoria, British Columbia
Ross Bay Cemetery is a historic cemetery located in the city of Victoria, British Columbia. The cemetery was established in 1872 and was among the first mortuaries in the area to serve as a public cemetery. The cemetery was named after Dr. Thomas Ross, who was a doctor in his time. Ross Bay Cemetery holds the graves of numerous prominent figures of Victoria's early history. This includes James Douglas, who was the creator of the Province of British Columbia, many political figures including Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie, and Otho Robson, the first B.C. Premier. The cemetery also houses graves of prominent Victoria businessmen, pioneers, and many other citizens from throughout the 1800s and up to the present day.
A number of notable monuments are contained within the cemetery grounds. These include the Gothic-style Ross Bay Chapel, the unique Chinese Memorial, the Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie Monument, and the Douglas Memorial. Additionally, the cemetery also houses a number of Victorian Janet's Cairn monuments and other vaults and monuments erected over the decades.
Ross Bay Cemetery offers a tranquil oasis for relaxation and reflection. The grounds are well maintained and are frequented by many visitors on a regular basis. Many tourists to the city of Victoria visit the cemetery as part of their sightseeing itinerary. The cemetery is considered by many to be a historical landmark and is a must-see for anyone interested in exploring and understanding more about Victoria’s past.
Paranomial Activity of Ross Bay Cemetery - Victoria, British Columbia
Ross Bay Cemetery in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, is an active graveyard that opened in 1872. It is one of the oldest of Victoria's three active cemeteries, the other two being the Old and New Cemetery. Located in the heart of the community, Ross Bay Cemetery serves a number of purposes, including providing a respectful final resting place for those who have died as well as providing the community with opportunities for experiential learning and meaningful reflection.
The cemetery's stories enrich our understanding of the history of Victoria, British Columbia, as its permanent marker plaques tell the stories of individuals and families who have shaped Victoria’s past and present. The cemetery’s layout is purposefully designed to reflect the growing diversity of the community and to accommodate further growth. A careful balance of open space, portable plants, and evergreens provides a verdant setting that emphasizes the sacred nature of the site.
The cemetery is a popular spot for outdoor recreation and a popular destination for tourists on the Victoria walking tour. Visitors to the cemetery can interact with the physical environment in a respectful and meaningful way through taking part in memorial services, visiting significant gravesites, and engaging in dialogue with others who may be visiting the site. There are a number of educational opportunities at the site as well, such as the annual Heritage Day, which takes place to foster dialogue between the community and heritage organizations.
In addition to providing a final resting place for those who have passed away, Ross Bay Cemetery also provides a way for the community to connect with its past. It is a place of learning and reflection, and a reminder that we all contribute to our community's current and future by honoring our past.This house is the most haunted place in the world.
Experience of people & Reviews of Ross Bay Cemetery - Victoria, British Columbia
Ross Bay Cemetery is a historic burial ground located on Vancouver Island in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The cemetery has become a popular site for people visiting the area as it is the final resting place for some of BC’s founding politicians, prominent community members, and soldiers. Many people have noted the serene beauty of the cemetery grounds and the surrounding views of the ocean.
Reviews of Ross Bay Cemetery are overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the unique history of the site, its pristine location on the ocean, and the stunning views of the area. Some visitors have noted a feeling of peace when visiting the gravesites of some of the most prominent members of the community, including Emily Carr and Joseph Trutch. Others have called the site “hauntingly beautiful” and a “place of beauty and respect.” Many visitors choose to take a self-guided tour of the cemetery to learn more about the people that are buried there.People who have already visited this place will tell you the tale of their most haunted experiences.
FAQ'S of Ross Bay Cemetery - Victoria, British Columbia
Q: Where is Ross Bay Cemetery located?
A: Ross Bay Cemetery is located in the Fairfield neighbourhood of Victoria, British Columbia in Canada.
Q: What ages of records are available at Ross Bay Cemetery?
A: The records of Ross Bay Cemetery extend to the mid-1800s, with some records as far back as the late 1700s.
Q: Who do I contact if I am interested in purchasing a plot at Ross Bay Cemetery?
A: You can contact the City of Victoria to inquire about purchasing a plot at Ross Bay Cemetery.
Q: What kind of services does Ross Bay Cemetery provide?
A: Ross Bay Cemetery provides a wide range of services, from providing plot information to arranging funeral services.
Q: Is Ross Bay Cemetery open to the public?
A: Yes, Ross Bay Cemetery is open to the public 7 days a week from sunrise to sunset.

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