Peterborough Lift Lock - Peterborough, Ontario: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Peterborough, Ontario's Lift Lock holds a great many stories within its walls. From tales of its horrific history to paranormal activities reported in the area, visitors to the Lift Lock are sure to have a one-of-a-kind experience. Learn more about this unusual tourist destination and the many stories surrounding it!

Horror Story of Peterborough Lift Lock - Peterborough, Ontario
Once upon a time in Peterborough, Ontario, near the wondrous Lift Lock, there was a strange occurrence. It started as a summer day like any other day, with families out on the nearby lake and happy locals commuting about. But, on this particular day, something strange was happening at the Lift Lock.
Every few minutes, a loud bellowing moan would echo up from the bowels of the Lift Lock, echoing unnervingly across the river. Locals dared to approach the Lift Lock, only to find something more unearthly than what they expected.
It was said that the source of these moans were the souls of ship captains that had long past, trapped forever within the depths of the Lift Lock. Locals told tales to the young ones about how these ghosts would groan for eternity until enough souls were sacrificed in hopes of their release.
But the sacrifice was never enough, and the darkness grew ever stronger as each passing day. The cries of the ship captains continued to echo around the Peterborough Lift Lock, with no one daring to go near it again.
History & Information of Peterborough Lift Lock - Peterborough, Ontario
The Peterborough Lift Lock is a historic engineering feat and can be found at the Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site of Canada in Peterborough, Ontario. It is the world’s highest hydraulic boat lift, rising and lowering boats through a difference in elevation of 22.5 metres (74 ft), and the only one of its kind in the world. It is located on the Trent Severn Waterway, a 386 kilometre river-like canal that connects the Bay of Quinte on Lake Ontario to Georgian Bay on Lake Huron.
The Peterborough Lift Lock was opened in 1904, taking two years to construct. It is also the second-oldest operating lift lock in the world and the oldest surviving lift lock in North America. It is constructed of local limestone and mass concrete and has a stainless steel caisson that encloses the lift chamber. The caisson is driven upwards and downwards by two hydraulic cylinders operating with a hydraulic pressure of 4500 psi, which is provided by the pressurised water supply of the canal.
The first person to travel on the Peterborough Lift Lock was the Governor General of Canada, Lord Minto. Since then, the boat lift has been used by commercial and recreational vessels to transition between the two different water levels of the canal. It is a popular tourist attraction, and more than 25,000 visitors per year take part in the Peterborough Lift Lock experience. There is also a museum, the Peterborough Centennial Museum and Archives, which documents the history and significance of the boat lift.This place has been abundant for the past many years and thus tops the list of the best horror places in the world
Paranomial Activity of Peterborough Lift Lock - Peterborough, Ontario
1. Sightseeing Cruises - Enjoy a leisurely tour of the lakes and canals as you’re taken through the scenic route of The Lift Lock with experienced guides narrating the history and points of interest.
2. Paddle Boating on the River - Get a unique perspective on the history of the Lift Lock from the water. Rent a paddleboat and enjoy a peaceful ride along the riverside.
3. Dinner Cruises - Combining dinner and sightseeing, the Lift Lock will take you through the spectacular scenery while you enjoy a delicious meal.
4. Fishing Trips - Take part in some of the best trout, bass and walleye fishing around in the calm waters of the river. The Lift Lock can take you and your equipment to your favourite spot.
5. Lock Tours - Take a guided tour of the lock and its history. Learn about the mechanisms, engineering and the amount of effort that went into the project.
6. Photography Tours - From the tranquil scenery of the canals to the majestic views of the river, take your camera and capture a piece of history with a photography tour of the Lift Lock.
7. Movie Nights - Enjoy classic films under the stars near the Lift Lock accompanied by popcorn and other cinematic treats.
8. Music Nights - Take in the music of talented local musicians while having a picnic in the riverside park adjacent to the Lift Lock.
9. Holiday Celebrations - Around the holidays, special events with the Lock light up the area with decorations while providing food and family activities.
Experience of people & Reviews of Peterborough Lift Lock - Peterborough, Ontario
The reviews for Peterborough Lift Lock in Peterborough, Ontario have mainly been positive. People generally report that it is a beautiful spot to visit with lots of local sights. Many also mention that the staff are friendly and helpful. People find it to be a great spot for a picnic and a chance to view the view of the Trent-Severn Waterway, one of the longest waterways in the world. People who have visited generally say that it is well-maintained and is a great spot for a relaxing day outdoors. People also mention that there is a nice café and it is a great spot for a boat ride. Overall, people have had great experiences visiting the Peterborough Lift Lock.
FAQ'S of Peterborough Lift Lock - Peterborough, Ontario
Q: How can I get to the Peterborough Lift Lock?
A: The Peterborough Lift Lock is located at 1 Unlock Place, Peterborough, Ontario. You can get there by car, by taking Highway 115 north from Peterborough or Highway 7 east from Lindsay. You can also get there by boat or canoe via the Trent-Severn Waterway, which runs through the center of Peterborough.
Q: What is the history of the Peterborough Lift Lock?
A: The Peterborough Lift Lock was completed in 1904 and is the highest lift lock in the world. It is part of the Trent-Severn Waterway and is listed on the Canadian Register of Historic Places. It consists of a large concrete chamber with two sets of steel gates that can be raised or lowered to raise and lower ships between different levels of the river.
Q: What activities can you do at the Peterborough Lift Lock?
A: The Peterborough Lift Lock offers a variety of recreational activities, such as lock tours, guided boat cruises, a paddle wheeler ride, museums, special events, and picnicking in lovely green spaces.
Q: Are there any safety concerns when visiting the Peterborough Lift Lock?
A: Yes, the safety of visitors is of utmost importance. Please follow all posted safety instructions and obey all instructions from lifeguards and other officials. Also, remember to wear a life jacket when participating in water activities.This place is registered as the most haunted place in the world.

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