Burg Altena, Altena: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Have you ever heard of the 13th century Burg Altena? Known locally as Altena Castle, this fortress has been the source of many strange stories, with many claiming it to be haunted. From its grim beginnings as the final resting place of the medieval Count of Mark to the mysterious paranormal activities said to occur within its walls, Burg Altena has a rich, dark history. Read on to discover the secrets of this profoundly eerie castle and the horrible events that have taken place within it.

Horror Story of Burg Altena, Altena
The dark, foggy forest surrounding Burg Altena held more than trees and animals. Legends spoke of a sinister creature that lurked in the woods, preying on unsuspecting travelers.
Its favorite spot was the base of the ancient fortress, waiting in the shadows as villagers gathered for celebrations or travelers sought shelter from the winter cold. The monster would pull its victims in with a deep, rumbling laugh that seemed to echo from all around at once.
Those unfortunate enough to be taken by the creature vanished without a trace and were never seen again. Those who escaped the clutches of the creature were left with stories of scorching hot breath, claws that could rip through the toughest armor, and teeth that glowed with a pale blue light.
The stories all agree that the creature’s origin is unknown, its mission unclear. But one thing is certainly true - the monstrous creature of Burg Altena is a reminder of the power of dark secrets, and of the dangers that lurk in the shadows.
History & Information of Burg Altena, Altena
, Germany
Burg Altena is a medieval castle located in the town of Altena, North Rhine Westphalia, Germany. The castle was built around 1150 by the Counts of Berg and later used as the seat of the Dukes of Berg.
Burg Altena is an important landmark in German history, as it served for centuries as the stronghold of the Counts ofMark. In 1226, the new Count of Altena, Engelbert I of Mark, erected the castle in Altena, making it the most important castle in Westphalia. The castle was expanded during the following centuries, until it finally reached its present form in the late 16th century.
In 1838, the castle was acquired by the Duchy of Prussia, and was used as a prison and court. In the 20th century, the castle served as a museum and heritage site of the Berg family. The castle today serves as a museum and is a popular tourist attraction.
The castle consists of several towers, including the Frauenturm (Ladies' Tower), which is the oldest part and dates back to the 13th century.The main tower was built in 1427 and is the highest point of the castle. The castle also has a defensive wall, as well as a well and a chapel. There is also a hanging bridge, known as the Wolfsbrücke, which connects the main tower to the Frauenturm.
Burg Altena is open to visitors all year round and offers guided tours on a regular basis. The castle also hosts a number of cultural events, such as concerts, theater performances, and other cultural activities.
The castle is now owned by the City of Altena and managed by a special museum, the Burg Altena Museum, which is open throughout the year. This museum houses a collection of art and artifacts related to the history of the castle.
Paranomial Activity of Burg Altena, Altena
Burg Altena is one of Germany’s oldest castles and an important landmark in the town of Altena. It is a perfect destination for a day trip, with a variety of activities on offer to enjoy and explore.
One popular activity at Burg Altena is the treetop climbing course. Visitors determine their own heights by choosing an obstacle course with different levels of difficulty. This course provides a fun and challenging way to reach the top of the castle lookout and take in the views of the surrounding area.
Visitors can also explore the Great Hall of Knights, which is a museum chronicling the history and legacy of the castle's former inhabitants. Antique artifacts, furnishings, and sculptures fill the gallery, providing visitors with a unique glimpse into the area’s past.
Another fun activity at Burg Altena is the Felsenfest. This is a summer festival held at the base of the castle and it's a great opportunity to sample some of Altena’s local delicacies, listen to live music, and take part in traditional folk dancing.
Children will also find plenty to do here. The castle offers a variety of games and activities that kids will enjoy such as archery, a treasure hunt, and a mini petting zoo.
The intricately designed walls, towers, and towers of Burg Altena are just as impressive to explore on the inside as on the outside. Guided tours offer visitors the opportunity to explore the castle’s hidden passageways, secret chambers, 18th-century courtyard, and other fascinating rooms.
No visit to the castle would be complete without taking a picture of the stunning silhouette of the site against the backdrop of the landscape. Burg Altena is an unforgettable experience, with a mix of educational, recreational and fun activities.
Experience of people & Reviews of Burg Altena, Altena
The Burg Altena offers breathtaking views of its surrounding area, and many visitors speak of the quaint charm of its winding cobbled streets, quaint markets, and of course the impressive castle. It is also known for its many recreational activities such as hiking, biking, and canoeing, making it a great destination to spend the day. Many guests enjoy the tasty dishes served up by the many cafés and restaurants as well. In general people have a wonderful experience when visiting Altena and tend to leave with fond memories.As you walk through the doors you could not help but wonder whether there are haunted places near me.
FAQ'S of Burg Altena, Altena
Q1: Where is Burg Altena located?
A1: Burg Altena is located in the town of Altena, in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Q2: What activities can I do at Burg Altena?
A2: Visitors to Burg Altena can explore the castle grounds, explore the castle’s museum, go on guided tours, visit the nearby Hermann Monument, and enjoy stunning views from the castle’s towers.
Q3: Is there an admission fee to enter Burg Altena?
A3: Yes, there is an admission fee for adults and a reduced rate for children.
Q4: Are there any shops or restaurants within the castle grounds?
A4: Yes, there are a few small shops and restaurants within the castle grounds.

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